.Net Framework Provider Issues

Hi, Installed SambaPOS 4.12 on to a Windows & machine (have .Net Framework 4.5 installed) but keep on getting the following message:

“Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.”

Any idea? I have the same installation on a test Windows 8 machine and it work perfectly, what am I doing wrong?



Try re-installing the SambaPOS. If this does not work, then remove .Net Framework and SambaPOS and start a clean install, during the install it should prompt you to download and install .NET framework.

… also check if compact sql selected during installation and installs fine.

@JamesMit, what OS are you running ?

Yes it is selected, I did not deviate from the installation.

Windows 7, I did un-install the app and the .net frame work as well as make sure that I am not forced to do 4.5.1 installation.

From memory that error means that .NET has corruptions or another program has changed some settings within .NET that relates to using ODBC connections which is used to connect to the database.
I think I removed all .NET and all .NET directories from the system and reinstalled all the .NET versions I had removed.

FYI - This is the version of .NET that I use on Win7 - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=225702