New Android KDS

Can one kitchen use 2 android KDS?

If so, will they sync in real time which orders are complete?

Use case:

There are two major kitchens, one is for handling, aging and cooking steaks and the other is a normal kitchen where they make everything else.

These two kitchens are separate, so KDS sounds like a best solution. Would the new KDS app sync all the itemized orders that are done?

Hello @Posflow,

That’s correct, one kitchen can use multiple tablet devices to run SambaPOS KDS App (iOS or Android doesn’t matter) as long as they have enough SambaPOS KDS licenses in their account. Also it can sync ready orders across the multiple devices.

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we have 4 kds for same kitchen but if you want to get same orders for more than one screen and if you close from one automatically closing from other screens