New Ticket Lister formats

lol rick its a ticket lister not order lister… it wont read order state. You can filter by order groups however.

EDIT SORRY Oh you mean for order state…

Set it back how it was and for ticket lister it should be

Ticket State = Suspended Sale
Order State = Submitted

sorry my wording i meant ticket lister, the customer ticket lister now works but if i click on the ticket from the custom screen it then opens the second ticket lister screen where i have to click the ticket again to open it

yea thats how i have it

So you have it setup that when you click on ticket it Displays ticket?

but when i click the ticket on the screen it doesnt load in into the pos screen, it opens the default ticket listed screen first

whats your action and rule handeling it?

that what i want it to do, i assumed that was a default that clicking it would display the ticket

For Command Name Value put a command name that is handled by a rule that executes display ticket action. for command value put {TICKET ID}

You know the drill… the action Display Ticket would read [:CommandValue]

EDIT: So have you thought of how your going to get them to disapear from ticket lister?

ive got the “old” action for displaying ticket lister with auto command button and rule

so far for the new setup all i have done is created a new auto command mapped to nav screen with the new action for nav module so when i press it it opens the custom entity screen. I assumed then that clicking the tickets on the custom entity screen would open them

Rick im talking from inside the ticlet lister widget settings.

That tells it what to do with the ticket.

So set Command name value to an automation command of your choice.

Set Command value to {TICKET ID}

Make a rule to handle Automation Command Executed. put that name in it. Put Display Ticket action in it and put [:CommandValue] for the Ticket ID

ag i see what ive done, ive put my “old” auto command for displaying the ticket lister, thats why when i press the ticket its then going to the old ticket listed screen

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@emre i know you are busy but any idea on how to fix :

I didnt want the post to get lost.

I thought you edited your post to mention memory issue solved. How did you understand there is a memory issue? What does it mean "it seems to ignore <block>"? What happens?

Sorted it! thanks a lot, ill have a go at formatting it now (well copy yours and tweak :slight_smile: )

When it converts it to red it ignores right alignment. The memory thing was my mistake I accidently screwed up the jscript and it went into an infinite cycle causing samba to run out of memory and crash. That was a novice mistake I fixed that.

The only issue I have and I can call this done is the minutes when converted to red after 15 min it loses all justification formatting.

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OK I thought you’re referring to the memory issue. I’ll check that.

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By the way @emre just thought I would let you know that:

<block left,top,right,bottom>

Worked great it now shows correctly. Thanks!

Had to do this:

function min(minutes)
  var test = minutes;

  if (test>10){

  return '<R><block 276,0,0,0><color Red>' + test + ' min.</color></block>';


  return '<L><block 276,0,0,0>' + test + ' min.</block>';


Kind of odd but it works!

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Hi guys.
Is there any tutorial for possible New Ticket Lister formats And how to use it?
I really like the way it looks.
@kendash Can you please share the last ticket lister template that you made? I tried to copy this to my templat but it comes out different and I don’t understand how to get this working.

You all should read the V5 Feature Compilation Topic …

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Here is the script:
Goes into Automation > Scripts

Name it whatever you want but for handler put tlister

function min(minutes)
  var test = minutes;

  if (test>10){

  return '<R><block 276,0,0,0><color Red>' + test + ' min.</color></block>';


  return '<L><block 276,0,0,0>' + test + ' min.</block>';


The format for Ticket Lister widget:

<J><block 30><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET NO} </color></block>
<L><size 12><block 10>
{CALL:tlister.min('{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status}')}


Finally the rest of the settings for widget:

To adjust the timer for when orders turn red you simply change this line:

 if (test>10){

Put whatever time you want the example shows after 10 minutes it turns red.

BTW You should rename var test I just used test for quick testing :stuck_out_tongue: Something more fitting might be

var min = minutes;

You could also rename the function because min isnt the most fitting but it really doesnt matter as it works with whatever you put there. Just bad programming habits.

I would probably rename it to this:

function latetimer(minutes)
  var min = minutes;
  if (min>10){
  return '<R><block 276,0,0,0><color Red>' + min + ' min.</color></block>';
return '<L><block 276,0,0,0>' + min + ' min.</block>';

Then the format portion of widget would be:

<J><block 30><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET NO} </color></block>
<L><size 12><block 10>
{CALL:tlister.latetimer('{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status}')}