New Ticket Lister formats

Yes, That what I will do combined state (cStatus) to read Status and TicketType State. But I have problem Entity Grid I just post a new thread. I want to figure that out first.

Any idea why mine does not display in line?

<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status} min</color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 100><color #2D89EF>{ENTITY NAME:Tables}</color></block>
<J><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #FFF79646>${TICKET TOTAL} </color></block>

LOL, because you have separated the lines in the Template. There is a linefeed inherent at the end of each </block>. You need to string them together, like this:

<block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #AA00FF00>{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status} min</color></block><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 100><color #2D89EF>{ENTITY NAME:Tables}</color></block><block 1,0,0,0 #00FFFFFF center 50><color #FFF79646>${TICKET TOTAL} </color></block>
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I just copy from @RickH template. But his is working :smile:

Yeah, it works now. Dine In - Take Out - Delivery on one screen
But need your help to make it beautiful :blush:

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@emre just have a SambaPos stopped working issue.
The text went smaller after changing the entity screen settings, before set to Min Wide and Max wide.
I will PM you the database as I can not get this restructured.
The issue is in the EN_Kitchen Display / Mains

You’re receiving error because you duplicated a script but didn’t changed handler name. Delete copied script and it will work fine.

Creating backups before making such changes is a good idea.

Thanks Emre, now I understand were this went wrong.
PS I always create a backup before changing anything, and this is a good habit as regular things going wrong and you only find out later.

Need some help, wrestling true this forum, can not get it done.
The Timer color is not changing possible just something small.
Appreciate your help.

Ticket Lister

    <T>Table - {ENTITY NAME:Table}]
<J>{ENTITY NAME:Customer}
{CALL:tlister.latetimer('{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status}')}
<J00:2>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**Void**

<L00><color Red>  * {ORDER TAG NAME} </color>

<J><color Blue>{ORDER STATE:Note to Kitchen}</color>

Remove the last return line.

Done, but not working. don’t see the minutes anymore

   function latetimer(minutes)
      var test = minutes;
      if (test>6){
      return '<R><block 175,0,0,0><color Red>' + test + ' MIN</color></block>';
      else if (test>4){
      return '<R><block 175,0,0,0><color Orange>' + test + ' MIN</color></block>';
      else if (test>2){
      return '<R><block 175,0,0,0><color Green>' + test + ' MIN.</color></block>';

Ok so expression working but color not. Remove block tags and put last return back. Put right justified tag instead of left.
On last line.

Oke, minutes are back but no color.

function latetimer(minutes)
  var test = minutes;
  if (test>6){
  return '<R><color Red>' + test + ' MIN</color>';
  else if (test>4){
  return '<R><color Orange>' + test + ' MIN</color>';
  else if (test>2){
  return '<R><color Green>' + test + ' MIN.</color>';
  return '<R>' + test + ' min.';

Try putting it outside of [ORDERS] just put it in ticket no format area.

Ok, let me check, somewhere it consuming memory and SambaPOS is freezing.
Be back later.

Ok, database restored, and Ticket lister copied with only the string.

{CALL:tlister.latetimer(’{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status}’)}

This seems to work, so possible just to find out were to place the string.

If you read up you will find some oddities I had with it when putting it inside some formatting areas. Just play around with it.

Ok nice got it working, not how I would like align wise, but sure that someone familiar with this help me to improve if I did not find out myself, anyhow no issue as you say just keep busy with the oddies. Will get know the grasp sooner or later.

I would like to have the time as it was usually before, as now it’s using unnecessarily space. And I use extra space by adding the Kitchen notes.

This is My setup at this moment.

Automation - Script

<T>Table - {ENTITY NAME:Table}]
{CALL:tlister.latetimer('{TICKET STATE MINUTES:Status}')}
<J>{ENTITY NAME:Customer}

<L00><color Blue>{ORDER STATE:Note to Kitchen}</color>

<J00:2>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**Void**

<L00><color Red>  * {ORDER TAG NAME} </color>
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Just a question, would it be possible to add a timing as starter has to go out in 10 minutes and we add 20 Minutes for the ordered Main Disch. So the timer for the Mains should be 10+20 Minutes and for the Dessert we add 20 Minutes more.
Hope I explain correct.

Yes its possible by editing the script. I am not 100% sure on the syntax I would have to just play with it.