Number of existing portion on sell screen

Hello and sorry for my poor English
just wondering would it be possible to see on the sell screen the amount of the items which are in the warehouse.
for eg, I have 50 bottles of coke, and 4 portions of ribeye steak would be great to see it on the button at the order. the waiter can see, 10 bottles of coke no problem, but he can’t order 5 portions of steak because there’s not enough portion. after selling one or more, the number follows the sell.
hope you understand what I mean
thanks in advanve

if you want it to be shown on button, you have to edit each food button caption in menu. but you can put another button that will show stock of selected product or you can create actions and rules that will stop selling out of stock items.
You can visit following topic Stop selling out of stock items
However, you are not able to fully control to stop out of stock item sales even if you put those rules, because there other ways to mistakenly place and order of out of stock items

This will likely also cause system to be slow as it will be checking stock on each item on each menu load if done live using inventory.