Official SambaPOS Resellers

Hello resellers, if your an official SambaPOS reseller please say hello so I can add you to our private Reseller only forum category.


Although I am an official reseller, I appear regularly. :thinking:

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I fixed that :wink: now you are member of the party.


Hello I’m official reseller.

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Can you provide me your reseller name in SambaPOS CP so I can look you up.

PC net and Security is the register name

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Oh hey there. I recently sent you an email I wondered if you received it. Would you like your username to reflect your business? I can change that for you if you wish.

Hi @Jesse this is naresh from restaurant solutions.

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Hello Sir @Jesse I feel pleasure to be a part of you private reseller group. thanks

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Hello from indonesia

Hello @mercyhendra in order to benefit from our reseller resources including being listed on our website, having reseller pricing in the CP, and included in the Reseller Community Resource portion of our forum you would need to have purchased a Reseller Starter Pack, or have at least 6 customers with activated SambaPOS V5 licenses under your reseller account.

I will keep an eye on your account and as soon as you meet the minimum requirements as a SambaPOS Reseller we can activate you and give you access to the expanded resources available.

I am an official reseller, Aladag Buroteknik in Cyprus(Northern)


Hello i am reselller

Reseller for Trinidad and Tobago.

Hey guys there are a few requirements to gain access to the reseller resources. The first one is you must have purchased the reseller starter pack then you qualify to gain access to our reseller resources.

PM me your CP username and I can verify your reseller status. Once you meet the requirements I can activate you in our Reseller resource group.

You will gain the forum title to help facilitate leads and you will get your company listed on our website and gain access to our reseller resources.

Though I m not reseller, however I implemented sambapos in many restaurant and advise restaurant owners and managers about this excellent product in the glob “sambapos”. Now restajet attractive a lot and wish to become a reseller :).
I have implemented all types of workflow from customer display, kitchen display, API integration, custom reporting.
One thing that I feel lack is quickbooks integration, if added a perfect solution.

Hello Shafiqch please fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you.

What are the requirements for becoming a reseller? Just asking.

We set you up a reseller CP account and as soon as you purchase the reseller license pack it will activate you as an official reseller and we will add you to our website and send leads to you as well as Grant access to our reseller resources.

If in the USA I would send you some applications to fill out so you can sell our integrated payments solutions. There is some training you need to go through before you can offer the payments integrations.

Hi @Jesse, I am official reseller too.