Open drawer report print

Your best option if you are concerned is probably to keep cancel button but log cancels as said earlier so you can monitor if someone is making excessive cancels and investigate why.

I’m using a printer template with xct code

Ok well its easy to have draw open on wp end,
Make a new rule with event name of work period ended, and add your open drawer action (the one you used with the open drawer button/automation command) to the rule :smile:
Nice touch is to also make a new action of print report and set report name to work period report and add that action to the wp end rule aswell

What if customer changes mind and manager is not on duty?

You do understand that until the person either settles the ticket or presses close there is no real ticket right? Nothing is recorded to the database yet. So you cant really modify an order
 the order has not been recorded yet.

You are adding an unnecessary complication to the process is what I am trying to get at. I can understand your point but your going to add another complication to deal with and thats what if customer changes mind and no manager on duty
 You will be forced to create a ticket, then have to adjust accounting, inventory to ensure its correct, and also create a slew of additional automation just for that one thing.

Is it really worth doing all of that just because a customer changes their mind? Your not really preventing any theft nor are you slowing it down. The very reason it operates like it does is because what if Customer changes mind. It allows you to just cancel orders and start over without ever having to hit the database or correct anything.

I agree with @JTRTech a better approach is to just log the usage of Cancel button you can even log user that pressed it. Then you can investigate abuse of cancel button.

TO sum it up why write a ticket to the database just to correct it so its like it wasnt there? Its better not to create the ticket to begin with. Just log the button usage and followup with the user thats abusing it.

I did not think it will be complicated but I will look at some way to solve it as this is a common request when u have no manager on site
Thanks for all the info

Why modify is different than cancel? There are ways to enforce operator to add new order when an order line cancelled but he can cancel the hamburger and add water instead. Better use ticket logging feature to log every cancels, voids etc. We can consider reporting ticket logs if needed.

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