Sambapos shows me always “Open Ticket” at the End of work Period. I search it under “Tickets” it doesnt show me any open ticket. I use it for a take away, there is never open ticket, it is always paid and ticket is closed normally.
I make always the same steps, why some are closed and the others not?
Step 3 shouldnt be needed by default I think, although might be wrong, bee awhile since I used a stock instal.
Ok, so when was you last work period closed?
Can you chow screenshot of the work periods screen?
Also can you show a screen shot on any ticket which has been fully paid by reopening from ticket list. Please be logged in as admin so we can see the ticket states.
Thank you for mail.
I have realised that if I take directly Print without “Close button” (optional Step on the screen), i come back on sale screen and ticket is not marked as closed. If I search opened tickets under “tickets on main screen” they are not shown all.
There is a possibility to close ticket just after Printing? I mean i dont use Close Button, I use directly only Print, no need to type customer money, no need to choose “close”. Just Print. As a result Sambapos gives me Ticket on printer and thicket is closed. When i close Work Period, there is never open ticket. In this case i can close my “Work Period” without Problem.
You have altered the default flow as on default setup when a ticket is closed (either by close buttong or after printing or whatever - ie, the ticket is not visible anymore) it is marked as closed if there is no remaining balance…
Here is the screenshot of works period on my PC. (My PC was closed some days because of national holidays, but the problem is the same with other pc, i cannot find opened ticket)
I expect its not the closing ticket flow thats wrong its that you have open tickets still on system.
Does work period report shor an ‘UPDAID’ amount on ticket states?
On your ticket lister set to open tickets and change dates to dec 24th to now.
The following is the default Rule for “Ticket Payment Check”, however there should be no problem with the other Rule having the Print Job in it either. That said, you should delete one of them as they are likely causing a conflict between eachother: