Oracle buys Gloriafood

Oracle has bought Gloriafood and is reviewing the roadmap and systems in place for Gloriafood.

This could be a good thing for SambaPOS - or maybe not so good , only time will tell I suppose.

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I used to work with Oracle years and years ago. This is not good. Especially because of their POS system.

I see 3rd party integrations going away. No more free tier (unless you’re being raped for their POS license fees) and/or % of sales as the fee.


Then again this is no different to any other type of 2rd party system, they need to pay the bills to right :unamused:
Compair to hotel rooms. take a 15-18% commission, hotel here can pay well in excess of 5-6k for a month of commission at peak.
And typical big company, something goes wrong like double booking and they are so short with well you find an alternative host and pay any difference. A tad harsh when also paying other 3rd parties like siteminder to have intergration between pms and ota to reduce chances of issue which might happen 2-3 times a year due to say symiltanious bookings made etc.

I think this will be the end of GloriaFood as we know it, and likely the third party integration support for the likes of SambaPOS will eventually go. I can’t see Oracle keeping a “free online ordering system” as well, so that will change one way or another. Not a good day IMHO.

They will be wanting the tech for their (expensive) Micros Cloud POS, and that’s the only integration I think they will allow long term.

Confirmed roadmap to merge with micros/symphony by the end of the year it looks like so “restaurants can have seamless online ordering & POS integration from the same vendor”. No definitive time frame but with the other milestones listed, Q1 2022 looks like their target.

And I can see it now after an Oracle audit: “well, your license didn’t include combos/deals. Yet they were enabled for the last two years. You owe us two years’ license fees. No, it doesn’t matter that you didn’t actually use them, the option was still there.”

I don’t like them as a company but, man, I love their database. I just wish it was cheaper to use.


We will continue with plans with Jetrik. We are not ready and do not have an ETA but we are discussing it. I personally think they bought them for the customers and maybe the ordering system, I think primarily for the customers.


One thing is for sure… I think this destroys the partner program.

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