Order Tags Question

I am really not convinced this is the best method to achieve your end result you desire. I just have not had time to look at it much sorry for that.

Thats fine. I dont know as much as other people in this forum so im just asking because ive tried everything that I personally can think of to get this to work but its not happening. Doing the product group works… but I didnt want to have groups based on days and the same menu items is a pain. Im not sure what goes into creating mappings or if its even possible. Based on the mappings that i see in the system thats why i was asking.

I have not seen a solution I can think of for tags based on menus, if requesting new feature would a request like that not be more powerful if mapped to state or item tag? That would give more flexibility and possibilities than mapping just to menu.
State could be added via order added rule with menu constraint.
I would say state was better as can add states based on item tags easily enough and states generally extremely powerful tools.

Would states allow you to show or hide a order tag group based on a day? Thats basically what im looking for because i have different soups that are available different days as a side item.

Not as it stands, I was merely saying that if we could map to a state rather than just a menu it would offer more possibilities beyond just being able to map to menu.