Orders stuck on Waiter display screen

Hello again,
I have a new problem =(
My Waiter display was working properly until today that i tried to create sound notifications for the kitchen, created a couple of new rules following this article

I wasn’t able to get it working but the worst was when i realized my kitchen display wasn’t working as it should. Once you selected the order and clicked Order Served nothing happen the order would stay on screen and never go away.

I deleted everything I’ve done on that article and now everything works fine. HOWEVER those four orders (see screenshot) would not go away. For new orders works just fine as it should but those four are stuck.

Can someone help me clear them out??

Thanks in advance

Chances are, the Orders have a particular State that the Rules are not set to process. Looking at your screenshot, it is probably actually a Ticket State holding them in limbo, not an Order State.

So you need to determine their Ticket State and/or modify your “Orders Served” Rule temporarily to accept and operate on any State. Do this by removing any Constraints in the Rule, then process the 4 Tickets, then set your Rule back to the way it was.

Thanks for your help @QMcKay
I’ve tried removing all the constrains from the Orders Served Rule and still same problem.
Deleted all the entity, rules, etc and created new ones and guess what mmm the 4 tickets came back as well.
I am lost i really need to remove them from there they cause a lot of distraction to waiters

Search for and bring up at least one of those Tickets. Post it here. We need to see what State it is in.

Screenshots of the tickets that are stuck

Status= Paid
Service = ready

Now show the Rule for the Orders Served button (Automation Command Executed event), since I assume that is what alters the Service state.

Also, it might be helpful to show the Ticket Lister State Filters… Design-mode right-click Widget, select Settings.

Here it is

[Table - {ENTITY NAME:Table}]
Ticket No:{TICKET NO}



– Format for order tags

Can you execute SQL Scripts with Sql server management studio? If so I can prepare an sql script for you to update service state.

OK nevermind I can setup a database task. Give me few minutes.

Can you PM me the zip file of your database backup? I want to test the script before sending to you.

unable to backup @emre =(

Go to settings and use a directory other than users.

  • Navigate to Management>Settings>Database Tools screen. Click Create Default Tasks button if it appears under screen.
  • Exit SambaPOS and extract this file under [MyDocuments]\SambaPOS5\Database Tasks folder. Fix Ticket States.zip (311 Bytes)
  • Start SambaPOS. Navigate to Management > Settings > Database Tools screen.
  • Click on Fix Ticket States item and click [Execute Task] button.

[MyDocuments]\SambaPOS5\Database Tasks folder should appear like this.

This is Database tools screen.

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Hello @emre
Thank you so much. That fix the issue like a charm.
excellent work excellent software.

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