Payment Method is not working on SambaPOS Version 5.30 and 5.32!

I have been testing Sambapos Version 5.30 and a new release 5.32 and I have some problems with the Payment Method. I am using Dollar and Riel in the sale process. The problem is when I settle and choose Dollar as the second payment it is not working sometimes. so I asked another person about this and he wants me to use Sambapos Version 5.26 instead.
I sent an email to support for asking this software version but they have not replied yet.
So does anyone has Sambapos version 5.26? May I have it?

Thanks in Advanced.

Using a lower version is never a solution.
If you fully describe your problem, we can help you solve it.

The support line must have asked for your license registration.
Did you reply to Support’s email?