Payment Screen Automatic "ALL" pre Selected

Hello - so I ran SambaPOS in a semi busy Bar today for “live” bench testing and have a number of behaviours I need to customize.

Question: Is there anyway we can pre-populate or simulate the use of the “ALL” button?
I found I was beaten every time by our old POS as I had to press ALL for 10/10 Transactions.

Use fast payment buttons. Skip settle screen completely.

Yea I was showing that (fast payment buttons) to the Operator - she was very, very quick and suggested she did not need to know the change as I have a change pop-up but suggested maybe some of the other Girls might! Nothings ever easy…

So kendash you are saying not possible using default switches?

Not sure what a switch is but currently your specific question is not possible. You can configure fast payment buttons to work same as behavior your asking though. They do not have to be set amount. The button can read ticket total.

Switch = Parameter like [:Balance Mode].

Yes I guess I could just use a Fast Payment Button called “CASH” that does not display change just saves the transactions.

Ah Crap have a button like that already!

Thanks Kendash just needed to talk it through… :smiley:


I’m sorry if it is not related but when Payment Screen is the active screen “Set Numberpad Value” action expected to update Tendered amount. Just for your information…