Payment types onto payment screen

You have put/typed in the tendered amount right?

yes and i even tried the it with all of them and none of the close the payment

Well its going to be tricky to tell you where you went wrong without screen shots of your settings.
Suggest you go back and double check all your settings against that tutorial.

are the payments being processed? are they showing on the left like in the screenshot I uploaded?

How many currencies do you use? You use 2 foreign currencies? so Cl and USD are both foreign for you?

Please show your Payment Types and Mapping for each also please in Accounts show your Transaction Types and Accounts.

CI is my local currency and the US is the foreign currency, but like I said before it show the correct conversation it just doesn’t let me close the payment when I press any of the payment buttons. And I got them on the screen how I want them but they don’t work. So I can’t close the payments, but no worries i got that part to work after playing around with for a few hours. now the other part of my problem is the foreign currencies to cash out correctly.

Hi all thanks for all your help yesterday, just to let you know that your tips pointed me in the right direction to my problems and after a few hours messing around i got them resolved and my system is up and running the way i want it.

so again thanks for the help.

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