PC-based scale integration with SambaPOS


I installed SambaPOS to Bizerba XC 800. Everything is good, SambaPOS is working fine except scale measurement, it doesn’t seen on SambaPOS. How can I integrate SambaPOS on PC-based scale? Does anybody have an idea?

Im pretty sure the scale is supposed to automatically output keyboard input which goes into samba keyboard and automatically gets input when you add an item. Iv never used one so I dont know. Search the forum, you might find something.

we made some integrations with other brands. But we will make all this integrations in V5. In a few days we publish new videos about this integrations.

Thanks for your answer. I search the forum. I tried many options but I couldn’t solve my problem.

Hi Vehbi. Thanks for your answer. I installed SambaPOS v5 to try the scale options. You made many changes. Still I couldn’t solve my problem. I can work on it only evenings. I try to solve iy this evening is there any idea for bizerba scales on v5?

Bizerba pc scales doesnt send directly like other simple scales. So we make an integration on it.

I have dll file for bizerba. If you need I can share with you.