Pizza Shop Meal Deal

I need to create a deal when entering the customer menu for a new installation, for example.
deal any = Any 2x 12’ pizza, garlic pizza bread with cheese, 2x chips, and a bottle of drink

1.12’ pizza base and crust selection after selecting the pizza type
2.12’ selection of pizza type, then selection of pizza base and crust
garlic pizza bread with cheese, 2x chips should come fixed
the last choice of beverage
How can I make it the easiest way to use it on the screen?

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Could you use order tags? The button on the menu says “Deal 1” (or whatever) and it costs $50. Auto select the deal then have order tags to select the items. You can make it so you have to select X amount of tags.
Order tags would be:
Pizzas - Hawaiian, meat lovers, vegetarian etc
Breads - garlic, plain etc
Drinks - coke, lemonade, Pepsi etc

I think that would work.

I do that, but the customer has to choose two different 12’ pizzas. To separate the 1st and 2nd pizza, it is impossible to have that much space for the order tag on the screen. There are 18 different pizzas.
That’s 36 options for 2 different pizzas and when you have the toppings for the 1st pizza and the toppings for the 2nd pizza, it’s impossible to fit on the screen.

but I don’t want it to be a pop-up menu.

Mine don’t work like that (as pop ups), they appear on the right hand side, basically the green menu item buttons disappear and are replaced by all the options. I can take a screenshot later (it’s 1am here at present :sleeping:) so you can see what I mean :grin:.

Here are a couple of screenshots from some of my previous posts just to give you an idea how it looks.

I’m not talking about this normal order tag event

I’m sure there’s a better way to do it, I just don’t know it. Good luck :grin:

Order tag categories comes to mind.

I’m thinking of order tag, but if you watched the video I threw, I want to do it like that.

  1. select pizza - base sec - crust sec - extra topping sec then
  2. same operations for pizza but with order tag all will not fit on the same screen.

They will fit if you use categories

there is a pizza called create your own that is made with the products that the customer determines himself. when he chooses this product, he determines the toppings himself, but the order tags I put for the deal do not match this. what can I do?

abi super senin uygulama ama ben yapamadim ki.

Whilst I’m sure you’re trying to help, you didn’t answer the OP’s question.

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To me, the OP is a novice. Perhaps you could explain the import you’ve shared with the forum.

bunu yukluyorum hic birsey olmuyo

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