Hello. I have just bought a POSLIGNE OCD 150 Pole Display.
After following this tutoriel : Pole Display / Customer Display / VFD, i have some formatting problems, and don’t know if anyone can help.
Which is how i want it, with the quantity, item and price on the top line, and the total of ticket on bottom line, on the right.
However, when I add an item with a longer or shorter name, it doesn’t go as well :
Any idea on how to keep total on the bottom right, and how to “cut” the name of the item, so for example with the Schweppes Tonic, i will only see : 1 Schweppes T : 3.00
And for the Fanta, to make the price stick to the right.
If you look at the last line, the {QUANTITY} {NAME} will be pinned to the left, the colon : will be somewhere after that, and the {TOTAL AMOUNT} will be pinned to the right. Only the Total will be guaranteed to be fully displayed, while the Name should be truncated.
It may also depend on the Line Count setting and the Character Count setting in the Printer definition.
Also, you might need to send certain <XCT> commands first, in order to set the behavior of the display, such as line-wrap, clear-screen, line-feeds, etc. For example, for my display, this command:
… is used to clear the display and set the display to obey line-feeds.