Price Of Single Item Different During Certain Hours

Also we can add a regex match like…

{DATE:ddd} Matches Sat|Sun

So it will work for Saturday or Sunday.

More details…

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My goodness I have been not paying attention lately. I see that @QMcKay basically did this same thing in a more robust way already in a previous post. Well @Hasa you have several methods to think about hahaha.

The post I was referring too is here:

I’ve commented about that but nobody cared lol.

I remember that now. I am really not sure why we didnt catch on then. I guess it took a specific need and desire to build it and then the interest shifted. Although I would think @gerlandog would have been interested haha


What benefit would that other approach give me?

possibly none. I just wanted to show you a more advanced use for this feature.

Oh okay, Your method is perfect as far as im concerned… For my current needs atleast, haha.