Just doing a little custom paid out for my till but cant work out (or forgotten with my short term memory) how to print after asking for a Store Setting [?Question]
Example, we dont track wages any other way than on paper. So im just creating a little script so that we can manually enter the employee name and amount they are being paid, a receipt being printed off with that persons name and wages amount with a signature line for them to sign.
I have everything sorted but am stuck on the printer template.
I have the two Settings as [?Employee Name] and [?Wages Amount]
How would I make the printer print off the above entered values?
I would make it create a account transaction between Cash payments account and a New Wages expence acount, this way EOD will balance with cash amount and you can create a account transaction document template for them to sign.
the annoying thing is, I just created the above flawlessly… not 1 problem.
Took me about 10 minutes in total and I wanted to do something to tax my brain (not the accounts bit lol) I expected to run into at least 1 problem… dammit
The prompt (ie. Employee Name) has nothing to do with storing the actual input response in a Setting.
Show your use of the [?prompt] notation. It should be used in an Update Program Setting action, which is where you set the Setting Name and Setting Value.