Print Summary of Previous Orders and Details of New Added Items

We have a bar and our customer will have many orders. We
like to be able to summarize (merge) previous orders and then print the details
of their last order. Is this possible?

Below is an example of what we are looking for.

    ░░░░░░░░ O R D E R   S U M M A R Y ░░░░░░░


    Time:11:22 AM                             
    Table: B14                                
    Ticket No:8                               
   - 6 Corona                           24.00
   - 2 Absolut                           6.00
     * Mixer - Tonic                    1.00
    ------------Items Just Ordered------------
    - 1 Corona                            4.00
    - 1 Absolut                           3.00
     * Mixer - Tonic                     0.50
    Total:                                  38.50
                    T H A N K   Y O U

You could try grouping by status…


You might need to define a new state flow to use the header ‘key’ of state name.

Search for order grouping or order course grouping for more info on how to use the above.

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I am having a similar issue. Did you manage to resolve this?