Print Total Price and Total Amount

in my ticket receipt for most products i would like to show the total price but for open price product i would like to show the total amount

—is there a way to specify to show total amount for open dish only

—can we specify to show total price for discounted product not the total amount

Give your Open Orders a State and then use


Or any format you may want.

Same thing for Discounted product give it a State and use same syntax.

For example if you made Open Orders have a state of Open you would insert at bottom of your ticket template:


You can use the Order Added To Ticket rule to capture the Open orders and subsequently assign a state to the order.

For your discounted orders you can use the rule that applies the discount to add the Discount state.

Use Update Order State action.


ok thanks will try and let you know

@Jesse do i need to define the state under states

ok i have manage to get print but i have one issue of printing the discounted note

[ {ORDER TAG:Discount Custom Percent} | {ORDER TAG TOTAL:Discount Custom Percent}]

i used this syntax where discount is the order state define

if i use {ORDER TAG PRICE:Discount Custom Percent} this prints {ORDER TAG PR

You can not put brackets around tags under a format heading.

i have try without brackets also not printing



1 Oliva Pasta $19.90

That’s not right syntax.

can you help with the correct syntax thnks

What happened to using this?

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You are trying to use [ORDER TAGS] Values for [ORDERS] which equals bad syntax.

Look up correct syntax from Settings > Printer Templates > Click on a template and look at samples on right.

its not been considered as a syntax just text to be printed so its printing this as text {ORDER TAG:Discount Custom Percent} | {ORDER TAG TOTAL:Discount Custom Percent}

i checked but i didnt find anything special that can help

Loook how everything is labeled. There are Orders Values, Order Tags values etc. This tells you what you can use under [ORDERS] or [ORDER TAGS]

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got your point according to that i can only get the value of the tag
how about the price?

try out a few things… Some are ticket based some order based. Study it and try out some stuff trial and error.

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ok i will try and play

its confusing but this is what i have learned:

Ticket : {ORDER TAG TOTAL: Discount Custom Percent}

Order Value: [ORDERS:Discount]
{ORDER TAG:Discount Custom Percent}

Order Value Tag:
[ORDER TAGS:Discount Custom Percent]
{ORDER TAG NAME} {ORDER TAG NOTE:Discount Custom Percent}

but i have failed to implement to get the correct syntax:
1 Pasta $9.70
***Discounted -$1.20

can please guide i can get
1 Pasta $9.70
but dont know how to get the discounted amonunt???

Not sure I understand what your wanting. 1.20 is discounted amount.

yes 1.20 is the discounted amount

i give 30% discount on pasta
pasta price 9.70
so 30% = 1.20 (dummy value)
display should be:
1 Pasta 9.70
**Discounted 30% -1.20