Printer Beep on Kitchen Order Template

Hi, I need printer beep on Kitchen Order Template. I try some changes in KOT template but cant get Beep. My template is given below

<W10:22, 22>Date:{TICKET DATE}|Time:{TIME}
<W10:22, 22>Table:{ENTITY NAME:Table}|Ticket No:{TICKET NO}
<W10:32, 12>- {NAME}|{QUANTITY}
<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**Void**
<L>Order No:{ORDER NO}
<L00>     * {ORDER TAG NAME}

I also use " <beep> " but cant get beep

please help

Youll need to find the beep code to add to your template, i think it works like drawer kick code, so youll need to find that for your printer and add it to your template

Try to find but cant… so post this topic to get help

We don’t even know what kind of printer you have, so how do you expect us to help with finding the beep/buzzer command?

Does your printer even have a buzzer? Many of them do not, so you will never hear anything no matter what you try.

Your printer might not have a buzzer, you’ll have to buy it separate and connect where cash drawer connects (pretty sure that’s how it is)

There was an interesting topic a while ago about making a diy printer alarm using the drawer kick port and a few simple components.
Maybe worth a read, premade solutions weren’t cheap when I looked a while back.

My printer is "Tysso Thermal Receipt Printers PRP-085III:

Some printers have dip switch settings , if you check manual if the printer supports.try the dip switch on .

sir when samba print the Bill the Beep is working, just with KOT printing there is no beep

My printer is "Tysso Thermal Receipt Printers PRP-085III

Look at your manual for that printer and find the code for beep. Try that code in your template. Or study the manual see if it mentions anything about it.

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are you talking about this highlighted code

I doubt that is it but try it.

how we apply this command “ESC p m tl t2” i mean to say which format.

<ESC p m tl t2>
like this?

No. Read some Printing Tutorials.

You need to use the <XCT> command followed by comma-separated decimal vales. Search for “XCT” in the forum, or search for “drawer kick” to get an idea of how that command works. There is a lot of information on drawer kick with very good explanations on how to interpret the commands from the manual and convert them to the correct values for use in your Printer Template.

You need to find the expanded explanation of that command. The p, m, t1, t2 are placeholders for some value. For example, t1, t2 are time values, probably for on/off/length, so they will have a valid range of numbers, and you would replace them with numbers like 20,50. But we don’t know what values are valid for those parameters.

Attach a ZIP copy of your printer manual and someone can look through it to figure it out for you.