There will be no “fix” for this coming from SambaPOS because this is a Windows Driver error.
I would suggest get yourself an 80mm thermal printer. Any brand will work as long as it supports ESC/POS
But this printer can can be used by google chrome, MS Word 2016, notepad, Adobe acrobat reader etc (all software). At that time no error is shown
I just tried my Epson Workforce 520 printer, which is an Ink Jet Printer (A4/LTR) which is even Wireless,.
With SambaPOS Printer Type set to Windows Printer, using a “normal” Printer Template, it works just fine. No error.
Tried same printer with SambaPOS Printer Type set to HTML, works fine …
Note the Printer Share Name / Port Name is different. The one in the previous post was set differently, and while it does not produce any error, if I use the Printer from the previous post, it does not print at all.
<td width=15>{QUANTITY}</td><td width=190> {NAME}</td><td width=43 align=right>{TOTAL AMOUNT}</td>
<td width=215 colspan=2>{ORDER TAGS}</td><td width=30></td>
I used 2 printers from Samsung brand and got same error. Do you think Samsung printer could have driver issue for sambapos5?
Both of them are usb connected. So I can’t have port name. Also I was forced to use those printer which are shown on select option next to Printer Share name/port name. I couldn’t write any printer name.
You said: [quote=“QMcKay, post:25, topic:16139”]
Note the Printer Share Name / Port Name is different. The one in the previous post was set differently, and while it does not produce any error, if I use the Printer from the previous post, it does not print at all.
[/quote] May I ask where and how do you set? From Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers ?
You can always select a Port.
My driver installed 2 printers (3 if you count the Fax), and you can see the Port is different for each of them … (select Printer Properties, not Properties)
SambaPOS lists them in the dropdown; I just select one of them …
- for Windows Printer I selected the top one.
- for HTML Printer I selected the bottom one, because the top one did not produce a print in HTML mode.
Here is my device and printers
Printer selection from Editing printer page in Sambapos
and still having the same error. , do you think is it okay? i can print on chrome, ms word 2016 etc softwares, except Sambapose v5. Anything you can suggest me to solve my issue?
Right-click the printer and select Printer Properties (about half-way down in the list), NOT just Properties (at the bottom).
Then in the dialog that appears, click the Ports tab. For the port that is selected, click the Settings button.
Please help me.
Here is the Printer Properties : 1) Genral Tab:
2) Port Tab:
3) Share tab:
4) SambaPos v5 Ticket Printer edit (HTML Printer):
5) SambaPos v5 Ticket Printer edit (Printer selection):
6) SambaPos v5 Editting Printer template:
7) SambaPos v5 Editting Print Job:
8) SambaPos v5 Old/New order page:
9) SambaPos v5 Print Error Message(print-tickets-provider-failed-to-retrieve-printcapabilities-win32-error-2147221500attribute-content-in-the-option-is-invalid):
10) SambaPos v5 Editting Printer (Windows Printer):
11) SambaPos v5 Order Page:
12) SambaPos v5 Print Eror:
But I can print with other software. Has there any custom way to print via url that will be auto printed through web browser or notepad or Adobe PDF reader?
Try pdfcreator. It can generate a pdf and send it to printer of choice too!
Can you explain a bit more, please?