I am unable to make this work. What am I doing wrong?
It works on Report and SQL Management Studio.
I expect it is the formatting, doubt the print templates likes the linebreaks.
Try reducing to single line query to check this theory.
Thanks @JTRTech, indeed it was the formatting.
It is now working and I can continue to set up this template.
Am trying to think back. I’m sure there is a trick where you can make a report using raw sql query with an @@ name and use that name in report sql details expression but would need to have a search to confirm.
REPORT SQL DETAILS executes full sql.
The reason it didnt work was the spaces you put
Hello @Jesse, I will give that a try just to verify as it may come handy in the future, to know more about how ticket templates work. Thanks!!
In the above case however, I did get it to work as per last image; by removing [brackets] from table names but left it on the field names.
Ah I missed that it’s a printer template. Yes [ ] brackets are reserved special function in printer templates.