Printer Template <color> doubles the line in preview

When putting < color > html tags in the printer template the preview pane will double everything that is displayed.

WITHOUT < color > tag:


WITH < color > tag:


That’s not how you use html. You didn’t create an html template. That’s just escpos with color tags which won’t work as expected.

What are you trying to do? There is no printer that can print a ticket in those colors. Some can do red but that requires specific syntax for that printer.

Esc/pos won’t do color. It has no idea what that tag is for.

I’m making it for a task Printer or a Ticket Lister template.

It works fine in the task Printer/Ticket Lister, just in the preview pane, it doubles the orders.

For task printer there are specific syntax for that.

The preview pane is not in color. It was not built to show tasks. It was built to show prints so you don’t waste paper.

Gotcha; I was trying other tags, and they worked so was a bit confused about it.

Thank you!