Printing Page Number

Yes it’s ORDER INDEX. look that up on forum lots of examples on how to use it.

({ORDER INDEX}/{INDEX TOTAL}) works fine but when added under [ORDERS] ( {QUANTITY} {NAME} ({ORDER INDEX}/{INDEX TOTAL}))

This shows the numbers against each item

Is there a way to show on footer of the ticket . I tried but doesnt work

This is an old post and still i have not resolved the issue.

I need a help on getting the total number of items ordered in Kitchen Ticket prints. The issue i face is I have a customer having 6 divisions (SHAWARA, SANDWICH, JUICE, FRENCH, FALOODA & BROAST) in the kitchen and a single order is getting printed in different departments for its products. If an order is having 8 items out of which 2 for SHAWARMA, 1 for JUICE, 4 for SANDWICH and 1 for FALOODA, I get all printed fine in each department but i need to show below each printed ticket Total Items in the order. I tried with several options but what ever i do i only get the number of items printed in each department.

I need to get 2 / 8 in the SHAWARMA printer

1 / 8 in JUICE printer

4 / 8 in SANDWICH printer

1 / 8 in FALOODA printer

This will help delivery section to identify that total 8 items have to arrive before they do the delivery

Any other suggestions please

Ok I can help you with it but give me a few minutes I am working on one of my projects. It has to do with ORDERS INDEX I never got to help you finish it. I get really busy lol sorry.

@Jesse any luck on the above

I’m sorry I forgot to revisit this. I will look at it when I’m back at my computer.

Still waiting @Jesse

Just FYI, not sure on your native language and hope this is just a translation issue but this could easily be perceived as quite rude especially in regards to free support from an unpaid community member/re-seller.

Appologies if it meant rude.

Let me look at it for you. one moment.

BTW when I say let me look at it for you I mean let me experiment for you because I do not use that feature and its been a while but I will run some tests and try to figure it out for you. Also I will be searching the forum because I remember this discussed in the past so there is some documentation somewhere on the forum just gotta find it.

Can you try setting your Print Job to Print Individual Orders by Quantity. Then put this under your [ORDERS] section in your template.


@planetsolutions Actually show me your template first. You want it on bottom of ticket right?

It depends on your template but something like this Should work.



<div style=“font-size:18px;text-align:center;font-family:‘Arial’”>KITCHEN ORDER </div>

<div style=“font-size:18px;text-align:center;font-family:‘Arial’”>No: {TICKET TAG: Order No} </div>
<div style=“font-size:20px;text-align:center;font-family:‘Arial’”>{TICKET TAG: OrderType}</div>


<div style=“font-size:18px;text-align:LEFT;font-family:‘Arial’”>

<td width="25"; align="left">- {QUANTITY}</td><td width="190"; align="left">{NAME} {ITEM TAG:Type}</td>


<div style=“font-size:18px;text-align:left;font-family:‘Arial’”> -{QUANTITY} {NAME} Void</div>

– Format for order tags
<div style=“font-size:15px;text-align:LEFT;font-family:‘Arial’”> * {ORDER TAG NAME}</div>

– Table entity format
<div style=“font-size:20px;text-align:center;font-family:‘Arial’”>Table: {ENTITY NAME}</div>

I did try this method earlier but if the ticket is printed in 2 or more kitchens {INDEX TOTAL} shows only the total number of items in each printer and does not show the total number of items in the order

When we make preview it works fine as all items are shown together

Further i need to show the total items as a footer of the printed ticket not beside each item

Did you set print job according to what I said above?

Worst case could a ticket tag for ticket total order qty not get update on order added or ticket total changed and be printed as a set never for the ticket?
Maybe I’m missing something.