Problem of SambaPOS MC3 Connection

Hi There,

I do have a problem with the connection for my MC3.
I understand and have follow the following guide 8.10. SambaPOS Mobile Client MC3 Setup – SambaPOS Knowledgebase from Firewall disable, MSSQL 2019 and add user for pda, message serve (9000+ port).
But Im still fail for connection.
Does MSSQL and SambaPOS has to be in the same server?
because at the moment, my setup is as below:

  1. SambaPOS (POS-1), messager service - PC1
  2. MSSQL - Server 1


Make sure your Messaging server is running on port 9000.

Also, make sure your firewall allows 9000 port traffic.

Yes, I did, but I have turn off my firewall (as mentioned on guide), do I need still to allows 900 port traffic?