Problems with printing split tickets

Locked and Bill Requested are the States of Status. Status is a Ticket State type. Sometimes the Ticket State - Status will be Locked. Sometimes it will be Bill Requested, Sometimes it will be Unpaid and sometimes Paid. Status is the State Name and there can be different types like Entity or Ticket or Order. Example there may be an Order state name called Status. So the Order Status becomes Submitted. Submitted is the state of Status of Order.

Most states are invisible. The only time you actually create a State setting in Settings > States is if you want it to be visible somehow. Maybe a color on an entity screen or you want to see it on the ticket for non admin. Just because a state may not be defined in Settings > States does not mean it isnt there. States can be used in rules and never be defined in Settings > States.

States exist so we can do logical orders of operations with automation. Think of a car you need to drive. Before you can drive it you may need to check if it is started yet. Maybe the Car is in a Operating.Status=Not Started, So you know you need to start it. After its started it changes to Operating.Status=Running. Once running you may be able to do other things like turn on windshield wipers, or accelerate speed things you cant do if its in the state of Not Started.

It doesn’t have to be the word Status. It could be Operating.Function=Started. We chose status because it makes logical sense and especially when building automation, you can quickly understand how and when to use it.

Lloyd, i followed your tutorial. still only prints the last ticket in the list.
if i have 2 tickets in list it prints 2 copies of the last ticket. if there are 3 it prints 3 copies of the last ticket. Any other ideas? and yes… logged out restarted etc…


i am confused on status and state. status is locked and state is bill requested correct?

i meant that i cant see what Lloyd has in his print rule for the actions of state and status. was just trying to verify what info was entered.

for me its working okay, unless you have other rules being triggered

just make sure your Execute Print Job action looks like the one on top :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

these are my states for the Update Ticket state and Update Entity State

check your Update Ticket State and Update Entity State, and make sure they llok like this

Lloyd, i made all rules look like what you have. i get this rule error:
[PM Print Tickets] [:TicketIds] parameter not defined in [PM Execute Bills Print Job] action.

and still prints 2 copies of the last ticket…


remove your actions from the rules then save …close the Rules Tab…go to Rules again then add your actions back again