Punch Editor for Timeclock


We will use a few JScript Functions and SQL Scripts to efficiently handle selecting and editing Entity Punch Data.


Calculates time difference between 2 times.

##DateFunctions [datefunc] (Script)##

Script Name: DateFunctions
Script Handler: datefunc


function datediff(d1,d2,x) {
  var x='s';
  var diff=0;
  // 2015-03-01T23:17:45.000
  // 01234567890123456789012
  var t1 = new Date(d1.substr(0,4), d1.substr(5,2), d1.substr(8,2), d1.substr(11,2), d1.substr(14,2), d1.substr(17,2), 0);
  var t2 = new Date(d2.substr(0,4), d2.substr(5,2), d2.substr(8,2), d2.substr(11,2), d2.substr(14,2), d2.substr(17,2), 0);
  diff = t2.getTime() - t1.getTime();
  diff = diff/1000 /60/60;
  return diff;


This script will handle batch State changes for Entities. It can change the State of all Entities at once, or change the State of a single Entity.

##EntityFunctions [ent] (Script)##

Script Name: EntityFunctions
Script Handler: ent


function UpdateEntityState(eType,eName,sName,s) {
  var entitylist='';
  var qry="";
  var eTypeId=-1;
  var eCount=0;
  qry = "SELECT [Id] FROM [EntityTypes] WHERE [Name]='"+eType+"'";
  eTypeId = sql.Query(qry).First;
  qry = "SELECT COUNT([Id]) FROM [Entities] WHERE [EntityTypeId]="+eTypeId;
  eCount = sql.Query(qry).First;

  qry = "SELECT [Name] FROM [Entities] WHERE [EntityTypeId]="+eTypeId+" ORDER BY [Name]";
  var entities = sql.Query(qry).Delimit(',').All;

  //for (var e=0; e<eCount; e++) {
  //  entitylist += entities[e] + "\r";
  //return entitylist;

  if (typeof(eName)=="undefined" || eName=='') {
    //update State for all Entities
    for (var e=0; e<eCount; e++) {
    return "All Entities ["+eType+"] updated ["+sName+"] "+s;
  } else {
    //update State for specified Entity
    return "["+eType+"] "+eName+" updated ["+sName+"] "+s;
  return 0;

##db.getSettingbydb() and db.updaterow()

db.getSettingbydb() retrieves a value from the [ProgramSettingsValues] table, which is where we will be storing SQL UPDATE statements for changing Punch Data.

db.updaterow() executes a stored SQL statement which is obtained via the above function. It effectively executes the stored statement, which alters Punch Data stored in the [EntityStateLogs] table.

##DBQuery [db] (Script)##

Script Name: DBQuery
Script Handler: db


function getSettingbydb(settingname) {
  var qry = "SELECT [Value] FROM [ProgramSettingValues] WHERE [Name]='"+settingname+"'";
  var r = sql.Query(qry).First;
  return r;

function updaterow(stmt) {
  var qry = getSettingbydb(stmt);


This is a SQL script to retrieve Entity State Log Data from the [EntityStateLogs] table in the DB, which is where Timeclock data is stored.

##EmployeeHoursDailyPE [@@EmployeeHoursDailyPE] (Script)##

Script Name: EmployeeHoursDailyPE
Script Handler: @@EmployeeHoursDailyPE


-- PARM for Employee Entity Type
declare @EntityType varchar(20)  = '@1'
-- PARM for Employee Name
declare @Employee varchar(20)    = '@2'
-- PARM for Date Filter Start
declare @StartDateIn varchar(25) = '@3'
-- PARM for Date Filter End
declare @EndDateIn varchar(25)   = '@4'

-- if Employee Entity Type is invalid, set default as 'Employee'
IF (@EntityType = '') OR (@EntityType is null) OR (@EntityType = '$1') SET @EntityType = 'Employee'

-- if Date Filter START is invalid, set default to beginning of Current Month
IF (@StartDateIn = '') OR (@StartDateIn is null) OR (@StartDateIn = '$3') SET @StartDateIn = left(CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), GETDATE(), 126),7)+'-01T00:00:00'

-- if Date Filter END is invalid, set a default
IF (@EndDateIn = '') OR (@EndDateIn is null) OR (@EndDateIn = '$4') SET @EndDateIn  = dateadd(Month,1,@StartDateIn)

-- set START and END date for Report Period
declare @StartDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@StartDateIn,126)
declare @EndDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@EndDateIn,126)
declare @EndDateInc datetime = convert(varchar(25),dateadd(day,-1,@EndDate),126)

-- set name of HolidayFlag
declare @HolidayFlag varchar(20) = 'Holiday'
-- set name of Clock-In State
declare @Clockin varchar(20) = 'PunchIn'


 substring(convert(varchar(19),sl.[StartStateDate],120),9,2) as [Date]
,Left(format(sl.[StartStateDate],'D'),3) as [Day]
--,substring(convert(varchar(19),sl.[StartStateDate],120),12,5) as [Start]
--,substring(convert(varchar(19),sl.[EndStateDate],120),12,5) as [End]
,format((DateDiff(SECOND, sl.[StartStateDate], sl.[EndStateDate])/60.0/60.0),'0.00') as [Hours]
--, CASE WHEN (DateDiff(SECOND, sl.[StartStateDate], sl.[EndStateDate])/60.0/60.0 > @HourLimit) THEN (format((DateDiff(SECOND, sl.[StartStateDate], sl.[EndStateDate])/60.0/60.0-@HourLimit),'0.00')) ELSE '0' END as [OTH]
--, CASE WHEN (CHARINDEX(@HolidayFlag,sl.[CustomData]) > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as [H]
, convert(varchar(19),sl.[StartStateDate],126)
, convert(varchar(19),sl.[EndStateDate],126)
FROM [EntityStateLogs] sl
left join [Entities] e on e.[Id]=sl.[EntityId]
left join [EntityTypes] et on et.[Id]=e.[EntityTypeId]
and sl.[StartStateDate] >= @StartDate
and sl.[EndStateDate]   <  @EndDate
and et.[EntityName]     =  @EntityType
and sl.[StartState]     =  @Clockin
and e.[Name]=@Employee
ORDER BY e.[Name], sl.[StartStateDate]


##PE Punch Editor

This Report will show Entity State Log (Punch) Data for a selected Entity. It simply calls upon the SQL script @@EmployeeHoursDailyPE to retrieve data, based on the supplied $parameters.

$1 : Entity Type (Employees)
$2 : Entity Name (name of Employee)
$3 : Date Filter Start (shows punch data after this date)
$4 : Date Filter End (shows punch data before this date)
$5 : unused

##PE Punch Editor (Report)##

Report Name: PE Punch Editor
Page Size: 15cm
Display in Report Explorer: unchecked
Visual Printing: unchecked


[#Punch Editor:1,1, 1,48,48, 1]

#Entity Screen Widgets

Our Custom Entity Screen contains a handful of Widgets for editing Timeclock Punch Data.

##PE EmployeeStatus [Entity Grid] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Entity Grid
Name: PE EmployeeStatus
X: 65
Y: 2
Height: 705
Width: 200
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (11):###

Automation Command Name: PE Set Punch Entity
Columns: 1
Command Value: {ENTITY NAME}
Disallow Change Entity: unchecked
Display State: TCReport
Entity Type Name: Employees
Font Size: 0
Page Count: 0
Rows: 0
State Filter Name:
Validation Expression:

##PE Hours [Custom Report Viewer] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Custom Report Viewer
Name: PE Hours
X: 275
Y: 0
Height: 700
Width: 655
Zindex: 3
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (5):###

Border Color: White
Parameters: Employee,Ovania (change 'Ovania' to the name of one of your Employee Entities)
Report Name: PE Punch Editor
Setting Mappings: PErowID=Punch Editor.6
PEstart=Punch Editor.4
PEend=Punch Editor.5
Zoom: 115

##PE Edit Button [Automation Button] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Automation Button
Name: PE Edit Button
X: 955
Y: 0
Height: 170
Width: 500
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (7):###

Button Color: #FF3F3F3F
?Edit Punch for{SETTING:PEEntity}
Command Name: PE Edit
Font Size: 32
Image Path:

##PE Date Filter BEG [Editor Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Editor Widget
Name: PE Date Filter BEG
X: 956
Y: 210
Height: 30
Width: 110
Zindex: 5
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (6):###

Command Name:
Edit Mask: 20[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]
Font Size: 16
Local Setting Name: PEDateFilterBEG
Refreshing Widgets: PEDateFilterBEG Label

##PE Date Filter END [Editor Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Editor Widget
Name: PE Date Filter END
X: 1090
Y: 210
Height: 30
Width: 110
Zindex: 5
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (6):###

Command Name:
Edit Mask: 20[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]
Font Size: 16
Local Setting Name: PEDateFilterEND
Refreshing Widgets: PEDateFilterEND Label

##PE Date Filter Button [Automation Button] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Automation Button
Name: PE Date Filter Button
X: 1221
Y: 209
Height: 55
Width: 235
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (7):###

Button Color: #FFE36C09
Date Filter
Command Name: PE Set Punch Entity
Font Size: 18
Image Path:
Value: {SETTING:PEEntity}

##PEDateFilterBEG Label [Label Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Label Widget
Name: PEDateFilterBEG Label
X: 955
Y: 209
Height: 55
Width: 112
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (13):###

Alignment: Left
Background Color: Transparent
Border Color: #FFF79646
Border Thickness: 1
Font Name: Segoe UI
Font Size: 16
Font Weight: Normal
Foreground Color: #FFF79646
Text: {SETTING:PEDateFilterBEG}
Vertical Alignment: Bottom

##PEDateFilterEND Label [Label Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Punch Editor

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Label Widget
Name: PEDateFilterEND Label
X: 1089
Y: 209
Height: 55
Width: 112
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (13):###

Alignment: Left
Background Color: Transparent
Border Color: #FFF79646
Border Thickness: 1
Font Name: Segoe UI
Font Size: 16
Font Weight: Normal
Foreground Color: #FFF79646
Text: {SETTING:PEDateFilterEND}
Vertical Alignment: Bottom

#Automation Commands

##NV PunchEditor [Navigation] (Automation Command)##

Name: NV PunchEditor
Category: Navigation
Button Header: Punch Editor
Color: #FF000000
Font Size: 40
Confirmation: None
Values (0): (none)
Navigation Settings
Auto Refresh: 0
Tile Cache: 0
Navigation Module:
Nav Module Parameter:
Template: ```


<summary><b><u>Mappings</u></b></summary><table><tr><td><b>Terminal</b> </td><td><b>User Role</b> </td><td><b>Department</b> </td><td><b>Ticket Type</b> </td><td><b>Enabled States</b> </td><td><b>Visible States</b> </td><td><b>Visibility</b> </td></tr><tr><td><code>Server</code></td><td><code>Admin</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>Display on Navigation</code></td></tr></table></details>

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##NV Show Punch Editor Screen [Navigate Module] (Action)##

Action Name: NV Show Punch Editor Screen
Action Type: Navigate Module
Module Name: Entity
Parameter: Punch Editor

##PE Ask Question [Ask Question] (Action)##

Action Name: PE Ask Question
Action Type: Ask Question
Question: [:question]
Buttons: [:buttons]
Automation Command Name: [:AMCname]
Background Color: [:color]

##PE Exec Script [Execute Script] (Action)##

Action Name: PE Exec Script
Action Type: Execute Script
Function: [:function]
Command: [:command]
Run In Background: [:runinbackground]

##PE ExecAMC [Execute Automation Command] (Action)##

Action Name: PE ExecAMC
Action Type: Execute Automation Command
Automation Command Name: [:AMCname]
Command Value: [:AMCvalue]
Delay: [:AMCdelay]

##PE Update Report Widget [Refresh Custom Report Widget] (Action)##

Action Name: PE Update Report Widget
Action Type: Refresh Custom Report Widget
Widget Name: PE Hours
Report Name: PE Punch Editor
Report Parameters: [:parms]
Date Filter: [:dateFilter]

##PE Update Setting Global [Update Program Setting] (Action)##

Action Name: PE Update Setting Global
Action Type: Update Program Setting
Setting Name: [:SettingName]
Setting Value: [:SettingValue]
Update Type: Update
Is Local: False

##PE Update Setting Local [Update Program Setting] (Action)##

Action Name: PE Update Setting Local
Action Type: Update Program Setting
Setting Name: [:SettingName]
Setting Value: [:SettingValue]
Update Type: Update
Is Local: True


##NV Show Punch Editor Screen [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: NV Show Punch Editor Screen
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags: punchEditor
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsNV PunchEditor

##Actions (8):##

PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEEntity
SettingValue: {REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT TOP 1 esi.[Name] as [EntityName] FROM [dbo].[EntityScreenItems] esi JOIN [EntityScreens] es on es.[Id]=esi.[EntityScreenId] JOIN [Entities] e on e.[Id]=esi.[EntityId] JOIN [EntityTypes] et on et.[Id]=e.[EntityTypeId] WHERE et.[Name]='Employees' AND es.[Name]='Punch Editor' ORDER BY esi.[SortOrder]:F.EntityName}
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: ‘[:CommandValue]’ != ‘’

SettingName: PEEntity
SettingValue: [:CommandValue]
PE Update Setting Local

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEDateFilterBEG
SettingValue: [='{DATE:yyyy-MM}'+'-01']
PE Update Setting Local

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEDateFilterEND
SettingValue: [=ADM('{DATE:yyyy-MM}'+'-01',1)]
PE Update Setting Local

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEDateFilterEND
SettingValue: [='{:PEDateFilterEND}'.substr(0,10)]

Constraint: (none)

AMCname: PE Unload Entities and Load Selected Entity
NV Show Punch Editor Screen

Constraint: (none)

PE Update Report Widget

Constraint: (none)

parms: Employee,{SETTING:PEEntity},{SETTING:PEDateFilterBEG},{SETTING:PEDateFilterEND}


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PE Set Punch Entity [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PE Set Punch Entity
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags: punchEditor
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPE Set Punch Entity

##Actions (4):##

PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEEntity
SettingValue: [:CommandValue]

Constraint: (none)

AMCname: PE Unload Entities and Load Selected Entity
NV Show Punch Editor Screen

Constraint: (none)

PE Update Report Widget

Constraint: (none)

parms: Employee,{SETTING:PEEntity},{SETTING:PEDateFilterBEG},{SETTING:PEDateFilterEND}


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PE Unload Entities and Load Selected Entity [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PE Unload Entities and Load Selected Entity
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags: punchEditor
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPE Unload Entities and Load Selected Entity

##Actions (2):##

PE Exec Script

Constraint: (none)

function: ent.UpdateEntityState('Employees','','TCReport','Unloaded')
runinbackground: False
PE Exec Script

Constraint: (none)

function: ent.UpdateEntityState('Employees','{SETTING:PEEntity}','TCReport','Loaded')
runinbackground: False


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PE Edit [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PE Edit
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags: punchEditor
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPE Edit

##Actions (8):##

PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PErowID
SettingValue: {:PErowID}
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEnewStart
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEnewEnd
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEnewStart
SettingValue: [?Enter new Start;;{SETTING:PEstart}]
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEnewEnd
SettingValue: [?Enter new End;;{SETTING:PEend}]
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEduration
SettingValue: {CALL:datefunc.datediff('{SETTING:PEnewStart}','{SETTING:PEnewEnd}','s')}
PE Ask Question

Constraint: (none)

Editing Time Clock Punch Data for {SETTING:PEEntity} ...ID    : {SETTING:PErowID}Start : {SETTING:PEnewStart}End   : {SETTING:PEnewEnd}Hours : {SETTING:PEduration}Do you want to Commit these changes?
buttons: Yes=y:Green;Gray,No=n:Red;Gray
AMCname: PE Edit Commit
color: Black
NV Show Punch Editor Screen

Constraint: (none)


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PE Edit Commit [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PE Edit Commit
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags: punchEditor
Custom Constraint List (2):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPE Edit Commit
Command ValueEqualsy

##Actions (4):##

PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEQuery
SettingValue: UPDATE [EntityStateLogs] SET [StartStateDate]='{SETTING:PEnewStart}' WHERE [Id]={SETTING:PErowID}
PE Exec Script

Constraint: ‘{SETTING:PEnewStart}’!=‘’

function: db.updaterow('PEQuery')
PE Update Setting Global

Constraint: (none)

SettingName: PEQuery
SettingValue: UPDATE [EntityStateLogs] SET [EndStateDate]='{SETTING:PEnewEnd}' WHERE [Id]={SETTING:PErowID}
PE Exec Script

Constraint: ‘{SETTING:PEnewEnd}’!=‘’

function: db.updaterow('PEQuery')


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

… reserved for updates …

… reserved for updates …

Hey @QMcKay
Ok I have been back and forward all day in the amazing Punch Editor Tutorial.

There is only little thing that puzzles me:
What is the significance of the Parameter Value in the Properties of the Report Viewer Widget below?

I see there is a RULE to Refresh this Widget and the Rule posts the 5 parameters required. So does this Rule “post” just override the Values shown above?

This Rule calls & refreshes this Widget with the following Parameters WHICH are sent through to the Script:

PE Update Report Widget

Constraint: (none)
parms:  Employee,{SETTING:PEEntity},{SETTING:PEDateFilterBEG},{SETTING:PEDateFilterEND} 

Correct? Thanks…

Sorry let me rephrase you said rule but you posted an action so I was mistaken with my explanation let me go again. One moment.,…

He is updating the report widget so it shows data for specific employee with specific date filter for start and end date.

The parameters you posted in that action are not sent through a script they simply update the widget to show the report for those parameters. In fact you could just leave those parameters blank it would work fine. The data he is passing to the script is captured from the Entity Button when pressed. PS: Correct me if I am wrong on this @QMcKay

The parameter Mappings is set so when you click on a specific cell it will pass the information from that cell into the Setting he defined. When you click edit punch it will pull info from those settings… it displays it in the ask question action.

Reports by default are just reports they are not tables with cells, but by adding # to the report template like [#report:1,1] turns it into a visual table with cells and rows that can be interacted with. You use Setting mappings to map a program setting to a specific row and in turn when you click on a cell in that row it will map that data into the Program Setting. You can then use events and actions to interact with that data.


The Parameters in the Report Widget Settings are simply to set a starting value. The Refresh Action, when fired, will override these values.

The SQL script accepts 4 parameters, but only 2 are required, while the others are optional and will receive “default” values if left undefined. This is handled in the SQL Script itself.

Well, yes and no. If we fired the Action without the Parameters, the Widget would refresh, but nothing would change. The idea is to update the Parameters and override the static parameter assignment in the Widget Settings.

This is done to update/change the Entity and the Start and End Date filters, which in turn changes the $1,$2,$3,$4 values in the Report, which in turn changes the @1,@2,@3,@4 values in the @@SQL Script. New data is pulled via SQL, and returned to the Report.


This was probably one of the best examples of customizing SambaPOS we have. Shows some very advanced techniques. Its really good practice for anyone wanting to learn how scripting can improve your configuration.

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Perhaps I explained it wrong and I tried to correct it just now. What I meant is the parameters you see at the moment are not read and passed through the script. They are there because of the script. I mean your not reading those values from that part of the widgets settings. I meant you could leave them blank in the widget settings when creating the widget.

Is it okay to have both kendash’s and yours installed simultaneously?

Yes, that is correct.

When any of the buttons on the Screen are pressed (other than the “Edit Punch” button), it calls Rules that read the Entity Grid selected Entity, and the Start/End Date filter (Editor Widget) values. Then it calls the Refresh Custom Report Viewer Action and feeds all those values as Parameters back into the Report, and refreshes the data returned by the SQL Script.

When the “Edit Punch” button is pressed, a Rule reads the Setting Mappings values (i.e. {SETTING:PErowID}, etc.) for the highlighted Row, as well as the selected Entity. Then it prompts for new Punch data, runs a SQL UPDATE statement, then calls the Refresh Custom Report Viewer Action using the Parameters for the selected Entity and the Start/End Date filters (Editor Widgets). The SQL SELECT Script is then invoked, which in turn passes it’s return data back to the Report.

We are not editing data directly in a table. Instead, we do this:

  • SELECT data (based on Entity, and Date Filters). This returns rows to the #Report for viewing only.

  • UPDATE data (based on Setting Mappings for the selected row such as {:PErowID}). This directly alters a single row of data in the database, and more specifically, changes only 2 fields of data for that row. This is done via a separate SQL Statement that is not part of the same SQL Script that reads the data. The Update statement is fired using an Execute Script Action.

  • SELECT data again (based on Entity, and Date Filters), which is invoked by the Refresh Custom Report Viewer Action. This returns rows to the #Report for viewing only, but since the update statement occurred just prior to this, the data returned is different.

Probably not. The version by Kendash is directly based on my version, but there are some small differences. I also recently changed some pieces of my version:

  • Kendash’s version: pulls and updates/inserts data in [EntityStateLogs] in a different way, to retain Original and Changed punch data.
  • My version: Set Widget Value Action replaced by Refresh Custom Report Viewer Action
  • My version: This Month and Last Month buttons replaced by Start/End Date filter using Editor Widgets.
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In fact I need to revisit mine and update it as well. New tools to use since these were made. But no you can’t use both same time it would not work.

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No offense, but how would I uninstall your Punch Editor? I would like to try QMcKay’s version.

It uses the exact same rules and actions. Just unmap or delete them. Mine is his with one small change to show original punch. It’s not really mine I just converted his to a config task.

The change I made was just to show original punch along with edited punch. Q did update his slightly which is something I will incorporate into the config task as well.

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