Quantity of product

I need to prohibit the closure of the ticket screen, if the quantity of the product is not selected. How can I do that? I want to use product multiplier.

Maybe explain a little more so we can understand?
What if there is only a single 1x qty?

All I can think of from you vaigue query would be to have a [?QTY] prompt in the quantity field of update order action in an order added rule? Asking for qty each product added.
Without better explanation you won’t get many suggestions.

Example: User trying to sell 1 product (steak). Our steak has a price per 100 gram, but steaks cannot be 100 gram. The closing button of the ticket screen must be blocked if a user doesn’t select the correct weight of steak. (More than 300 gram).

You need to add a constraint to “Close Ticket” rule.

[=TN('{TICKET ORDER COUNT EXP:(MN=Tea) and O.Quantity < 2}')]

Here we require Tea product quantity to be at least 2.

You can improve that by adding another rule to show a message if expression total is greater than 0.


Thank you. How to add message like this: “Pls select product quantity!” ?

And, it works with one position, but if I try to add some constraints - I can’t close ticket screen.

What constraints did you add you need to show those.

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