Question Mark "?" only on printed report

I have a question Mark printed on the receipt while printing report.

Here’s the Receipt it printed… a question mark replace the space on the total field


youll need to post your report script so we can see if we can see the issue

Looks like a character issue with your printer… its putting that instead of .

Where can I find the report script? please!

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Management > Reports > Reports > Edit Item Sales Report

Paste it here, select pasted and press Preformatted Text icon in the text editor

[Group Sales by Amount:2, 1, 1]
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.ItemGroup,O.ExactTotal.Percent.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum:(ODI=True)}
>Total|{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.ExactTotal.Sum:(ODI=True)}

[Group Sales by Quantity:2, 1, 1]
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.ItemGroup,O.Quantity.Percent.desc,O.Quantity.Sum:(ODI=True)}
>Total||{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Quantity.Sum:(ODI=True)}

[Sales:5, 2, 2,1]
@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(ODI=True):{0}:,}
>{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1"}
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:'     '+[O.PortionName],O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1":2}

if it’s a character issue printer, how can I fix it? the printer was working well on my previous windows 10 computer! now on my windows 11 one I have this Question mark replacing the space while printing…

Guys I found a solution, I did change the language to french… whe turn it back to english I no longer have the question Mark on my printed receipt. so it’s a language problem!!!