One of our restaurant is a fast food, we are giving the queue number for every order. Once it’s ready, we are displaying the queue number in the display for them to collect. Once the queue number reaches 100, we will start it from 1 again
The above steps are doing manually now.
Is it possible to do the below things
Create a queue number from 1 to 100 and automatically assign it orders or take printout separately from printers
Typically you would use Ticket # for that and they reset with close of work period. Are you using numbered cards to give to people? You could just hand them a printed ticket with ticket # on it and not need the 1-100 system. However if you really want to use a 1-100 system you would need to use ticket tags to assign those values and then we would need a way to reset them after they reach 100.
I do, yes. I have not done it yet because I will not be using it. I just let Ticket# be my queue. and I give customers their ticket with their Ticket # on it. No reason to reset it because its unique number for every order and it sends it in order it was taken. It does get reset at work period close however for reporting.
I will see if I can get some time to write a tutorial to get you started but it might be a little while later today.
You might want to consider just using Ticket # and giving customers their receipt with Ticket # printed on it. IT would eliminate giving out extra cards… and you would not have to worry about keeping track of them… the order is sent to kitchen with the same Ticket #.
If you are using it as a way to bring food to the customer you could just write a NOTE on ticket with what queue # card you handed the customer. The person giving the food to customer would just look at the note on ticket and take it to that table. Or you could just call out the Ticket# and customer will come get food.
IS it possible to retrieve the Tickets with Ticket Tags attached ?
Let me explain my scenario
I will have a place with a SambaPOS where customer will order items and click close. I will printout the receipt with the queue no.
Once the food is ready, customer have to collect the food and go to the payment counter. I need to retrieve his ticket by queue no and collect the payment.
can you not use a display ticket action and add your queue number as the variable to search for. Then put this is a numberpad entered rule?
when keying in or scanning barcode of your queue number it will load the ticket with that queue number?
only problem is your queue numbers would have to be unique. Why not use Sambas Ticket ID which is a unique number and is only assigned to a ticket when it is closed, since you dont need the number until ticket is closed that should work fine
Do a display ticket action with {TICKET ID} as the variable, then create a rule for numberpad entered with this acton. when you key in the ticket ID or scan it from a barcode that ticket will load and it will always be a unique number
on your ticket template just add Queue No {TICKET ID} and you will get an output of Queue No 1234. you can also add <bar>{TICKET ID} to you template and the receipt will print a barcode of the ticket id so you can just scan the barcode on the receipt to open it