Re Open Settled Ticket and Refund setup is conflict at Reservation setup?

ok sir… that you so much… i will just review it many times and hopping that i could find my mistake… thank you sir

This method does not mess with Default Rules.

Create an Entity State so that the Entity Changes color when it Has Reservation

Automation Command for Reserve

Automation Command for Check In

Action to change Ticket Pre-order Flag

Action to update the EntityReservation State

Action to update the Ticket RStatus State

Action to Refresh the Ticket Display

Rule to set the Ticket and Entity into Reservation State and flag the Ticket as Pre-Order

Rule to set the Ticket and Entity out of Reservation State and flag the Ticket as non-PreOrder


I LOVE this new setup of reservation it will not affect my Reopen settled ticket and refund setup… but there is no check-in button anymore?

Problem Solved…

you just told it to clear all order states. That will probably cause other issues. You really shiuld study states because its obvious you don’t understand how they work and how the mapping of automation commands interact with them.

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Yes there is - right here… this handles the Check In button…

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