Reason for opening Cash Drawer

Sambapos 4.1.82
Sql 2014

Is there a way to select reasons for opening cash drawer. I have an open drawer button and I would like to be able and select from a list of reasons when this button is clicked. e.g Change for cigarette machine, Change for pool table, Change for jukebox etc.

Ive thought about doing this i will build it and share with you tomorrow

@jay007 This is a simple setup.

Create Values for your Open Drawer Automation Command:

Create Add Ticket Log action:

Create Display Ticket Log action:

Inside your Open Drawer Automation Command Executed rule add the Add Ticket Log action:


Category: Drawer Status
Log: [:CommandValue]

Create Automation Command Button for Display Ticket Log:

Create Automation Command Executed rule for your Display Ticket Log button:

Now when you press Open Drawer you get a menu with reasons on right as follows:

You can view the logs by opening the closed ticket and pressing Display ticket Log button.

Notice I chose Snakes option when I pressed my button so it is showing Snakes in the log.

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Thanks Kendash but I have one issue with this. You say “You can view the logs by opening the closed ticket and pressing Display ticket Log button”.

In a scenario where people are looking for change for the jukebox you wouldn’t have any closed tickets as nothing was purchased. The drawer was only open to give the customer change. The Customer hands in a €5 note and you give them 5 €1 coins.

ive been trying to do this without having to open a ticket, which im not sure is possible as a ticket has to be open to use the command values from the open drawer button (ie Customer Change, Manager etc)

We might have to do this as a document transaction or account transaction and track the useage through accounts instead, im still thinking. @Jesse might have a better idea of how to do this without using tickets

Don’t use the Ticket Log action; instead use the Write Line to Text file. No need for a Ticket in this case, but you need to read the log with Notepad or similar.

Another idea might be to use an Entity (maybe called Drawer), and have Entity States as “reasons”, then use the Log Entity State Action. States can be viewed in Reports.

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im going to try that, my idead of using accounts wont work as you cant do a transaction with value zero. ill try the entity appraoch and log entity state action :slight_smile:

There in fact are several approaches. I just showed the most basic from within tickets. If you want it outside of tickets then yes we need a different route. I kind of like where @QMcKay was going. But there are several methods.