Regarding enabling the Select Waiter Entity Button

Good Evening.

I have created a new entity (Waiter) For Dine In , but Select Waiter Button is not enabling.
I have given in the entity type also. Anyone could you please help me to enabling this button

You need to create an Entity Screen for Waiters.

You know you could do similar thing by using Ticket Tags?

I got it . Thank you very much

One More Question how can I show that button that is ‘Change Waiter’ in mobile client ?

Sorry, I don’t have the mobile client, hopefully someone else can help you with that.

With mobile client you cant customize the buttons.

No. Am not customizing in the mobile client. I have added the Waiter entity and Waiter entity screen in the desktop version. But it is not showing in the TAB with mobile client. Change Table option in showing in the TAB. But how can I show the Change Waiter option in TAB.

You can’t change the buttons on the mobile client. It is not synced in the way you think. Those buttons are coded in. The buttons you have on mobile client are the only ones it has you can’t get a new button on it right now.

It’s ok. Thank you very much for your prompt reply @Jesse