Remove change due shown on payment screen for selective payment type

Remove “red colour” change due box shown on payment screen if selection is by credit card or other payment method beside cash transaction. I do not want any change due to be shown on payment screen for all other payment methods other than cash. Is this possible? please help :wink:

Where do you want this money put? If you get Change Due with Credit Card I assume your using rest as a tip?

No I do not want the rest of the change due to be tip either. Basically I do not want it to show any change due for credit card or voucher payment because I will insert the exact total amount and not any excess amount

So it should not show any change due on payment screen even if i insert any excess amount charged

If you enter exact amount then it would not show change due… i do not see what your issue is…

If you do enter extra… then that money has to go somewhere unless your stealing it.

Please explain why your entering excess amount… What are you doing with the excess amount?

Or do you mean if you accidentally do that? I am having a hard time understanding your question. It would help if you explain the entire business flow your trying to achieve with all details.

for your information, I am the owner of the shop so im not stealing anything :blush:

I am asking this question to prevent any mistake being made when im having a credit card transaction. It don’t make sense on the accounting if there is a excess being charged when its a credit card transaction

I am not accusing you of stealing… I am trying to understand your question… you were leaving out some information that was understood to you but not by us.

So your question is… If someone accidentally entered too much on credit card how do you prevent that? So really you do not want to just turn off Change Due… you want to prevent it from happening.

We can constraint it. I will give you an example in a moment.

Yes Kendash you are correct

Thank you so much Kendash I will wait for your example

Two ways to do this.

1. Simple Payment Confirmation: It asks if your sure you want to pay.
2. Slightly more complex method that includes actions and rules to constrain the ability to do it and Ask Question action showing the amount that would be overpayment.

Which one interests you the most?

EDIT: Actually adding a limit would be best for you. I will show you how.

Here is what the Payment Confirmation would look like.

actually i would prefer to have a limit on cc payment. For example if the amount is $10 and I entered $11 and choose cc payment, there will be a message saying for example “Amount charged cannot exceed total amount”

Go to Settings > Tickets > Payment Types > Credit Card > Payment Processors

Click Add

Select Add Limit

Put {REMAINING TOTAL} for Max Amount then leave rest blank. Save it

@Jesse unfortunately that won’t work for V4 as limit processor does not support printer tags. Just updates button captions.

@Johnson_O Did you tried setting up a rule like that?


Oh I did not realize that was version 5 only. Very sorry.

I thought of using a rule like that but I was assuming Payment Processed meant it already went through but now I realize duh I’ve known all along I just wasn’t really thinking right.

Thanks @emre. So many features added to v5 some of the lesser used ones I forget were exclusive with v5.


Thanks so much to both of you! It solved the problem :slight_smile:

By the way I wish to know. Currently this is my printer template which i am using now,

**-- General layout**
**<L00>Date:{TICKET DATE}**
**<L00>Ticket No:{TICKET NO}**
**<J10>Total:|{TICKET TOTAL}**
**<C10>T H A N K Y O U**

**<C00>-{GROUP KEY}-**

**[ORDERS GROUP:İçecekler]**
**<C00>-{GROUP KEY}-**
**<C00>%50 discount for Coke on Fridays!**

**<R>Total: {GROUP SUM}**

**-- Default format for orders**
**<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|{PRICE}**
**-- Format for gifted orders**
**<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**GIFT****
**-- Nothing will print for void lines**
**-- Format for order tags**
**-- Table entity format**
**<L00>Table: {ENTITY NAME}**
**-- Customer entity format**
**<J00>Customer: {ENTITY NAME} | {ENTITY DATA:Phone}**

and i would like to show both the tendered amount and change total follow by total amount. so can i simply add both the tender amount and change total tag to the template like this?

**-- General layout**
**<L00>Date:{TICKET DATE}**
**<L00>Ticket No:{TICKET NO}**
**<J10>Total:|{TICKET TOTAL}**
**<C10>T H A N K Y O U**

**<C00>-{GROUP KEY}-**

**[ORDERS GROUP:İçecekler]**
**<C00>-{GROUP KEY}-**
**<C00>%50 discount for Coke on Fridays!**

**<R>Total: {GROUP SUM}**

**-- Default format for orders**
**<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|{PRICE}**
**-- Format for gifted orders**
**<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**GIFT****
**-- Nothing will print for void lines**
**-- Format for order tags**
**-- Table entity format**
**<L00>Table: {ENTITY NAME}**
**-- Customer entity format**
**<J00>Customer: {ENTITY NAME} | {ENTITY DATA:Phone}**

You can place it as you like but maybe it will be better if displayed after ticket total.

btw I noticed there is a “Total Gift” shown on printed receipt right above “Toal amount” how do I remove the total gift?

You can edit your template and remove that line.

You can read more about printer templates here.