Renaming Close button on Order Tag screen?

Is there any way to rename the “Close” button on the Order Tags selection screen?

I’ve had a client ask to change it to “Back” and also have seen many times other clients confusing it with the “close ticket” button.


Yep, good idea, I have spent way to long explaining the different to my staff.

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I renamed it to Back for next update.


But but I want it to be called Return. Lol just kidding. I’m feeling funny today.


Hmm does Return sounds better? I can change it.

I wanted it to say ‘Done’ lol

What about Complete haha

So. How Should we rename Order Tag Screen Close button?

  • Back
  • Return
  • Complete
  • Done
  • Close

0 voters

PS: We won’t have Order Tag Selection Screen Close Button Caption Setting lol.


also if possible where 1 order tag is mandatory , and selected 1 order tag close/done the order tag screen automatic. instead press back/done . sorry not a request but i just wonder if we could.


I just voted for Back lol

How about Back with an arrow? Thinking from UX perspective, lots of interfaces where “Back” is involved has an arrow.

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Isn’t it already doing it?

That’s the first I saw that too!

Possibly I never have a scenario where only one order tag group is mapped to a product. I have a “general modifiers” that is usually mapped to *. Good to know it is possible.

You may have more groups.

The rule is Max and Min selection numbers should be same.


So Back won the poll but I think we have one more universally known command. How it looks?


Come on just let us choose our own… its in the spirit of SambaPOS… PS I just want to put some funky symbol there…


Can I jump in on this and ask for flexibility to rename “Portions”… For me in my non-food environment, we use this more as “options”

Hmm i think i mapped too many order tags to a product ,some of them has 0 min and max , which like ( Dairy free, Gluten free etc) , which are optional .


What do you mean by that? You can name portions anything you want.

EDIT: Oh you mean name portions something other than what they are? I doubt you will get a feature that is specific to an industry that SambaPOS was not designed for.

I would guess that 0 min and 0 max would not trigger this. I am not 100% sure I have not tested that.