REPORT Printer Configuration

Hi my wise friends,:slight_smile:

I want print out my reports on A4 Printer and I try to figure out where to change the printer setup for printing out the REPORTS…bcs got this erroro message…

So I checked in PRINTING - PRINTERS, has only 3 Printer: Kitchen. Ticket, Report…

I guess must add and configure a new Report printer, right? So I add a new printer

and new print job and

new print template, but I am not able to create that template :cry:

PLEASE can you copy paste me a simple syntax for a Report template as is shown in the sreen shot or where to map the printing to my windows A4 printer?

Thank you so much!!

Try Settings > Terminals > Report Printer.


wow its so amazing to have you guys … ! Works perfectly:slight_smile:

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Can you Please Show how you are able to solve this problem

Also see my post on your other question.
Report printer name is an option on the terminal settings. Those are for the terminal by name you select on the local settings screen.