REPORT SQL DETAILS adding expressions and pivots

Continuing the discussion from REPORT SQL DETAILS to create a Simple Menu Price List:

Hey @QMcKay - I was trying to add expressions into this syntax but could only get it to work as part of the SQL? I wanted to remove all “0” prices (items with no entries for Price Tags). My Your version below modified by changing the WHERE clause:

[Price List:5 ,3,3, 1, 2]
@{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT DISTINCT [GroupCode] FROM [MenuItems] ORDER BY [GroupCode]:F.GroupCode::{0},}
>Product | Portion | Band | Price
$1 ==============
        product.[GroupCode] AS [GC],
        product.[Name] AS [Product],
        portion.[Name] AS [Portion],
        price.[PriceTag] AS [Price Band],
        price.[Price] AS [Price]
    FROM [MenuItems] product 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
    WHERE price.Price <> 0 and product.GroupCode='@1'
    ORDER BY product.[GroupCode], product.[Name], price.[Price];$1
    :F.Product,F.Portion,F.Price Band,F.Price::{0} |{1}| {2}| {3}

I thought after F.Price: I could include F.Price:(F.Price<>0): ?

Then while filtering out Unused Price Tags then maybe pass a 2nd parameter to:

  1. Only Print report for a GroupCode i.e. Drinks
  2. Only Print report for a Price Tag

Using your example I gues I could as you say “feed” in "@2" & "@3" after the initial ;$1. But I just want to know if I can use a traditional expression after the fields statement?

Oh dear me from the same thread!

I know I could sav embarrassment and not post that BUT it was such a great original reply it worth a Bump :smile:

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Answer Example:

[Price List:5 ,3,3, 1, 2]
@{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT DISTINCT [GroupCode] FROM [MenuItems] ORDER BY [GroupCode]:F.GroupCode::{0},}
@BA Ciders
>Product | Portion | Band | Price
$1 ==============
        product.[GroupCode] AS [GC],
        product.[Name] AS [Product],
        portion.[Name] AS [Portion],
        price.[PriceTag] AS [Price Band],
        price.[Price] AS [Price]
    FROM [MenuItems] product 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
    WHERE price.Price <> 0 and product.GroupCode='@1' and product.GroupCode='@2'
    ORDER BY product.[GroupCode], product.[Name], price.[Price];$1,$2
    :F.Product,F.Portion,F.Price Band,F.Price::{0} |{1}| {2}| {3}


Now the question @emre how do I pivot this report around to show:

Product Portion    | Price Staff  | Price Happy Hour   | Price Normal
Bulmers MIDDY      |       $1.72  |        $3.90       |      $5.00

I would have to include all price tags include unused tags for products.
How to I substitute “Regular” in for Normal Price as it has no Band Name?

Wow, staff price 1.72 down from 5.00, can I come work for you :stuck_out_tongue:

If this just price list not sales right?

I think you would have to have multiple report expressions per line…

PS. That report looks very familiar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Am getting there;

	product.[GroupCode] AS 'Group',
	product.[Name] AS 'Product',
	portion.[Name] AS 'Portion',
	(SELECT price.[Price] WHERE price.[PriceTag] is null) Normal,
	(SELECT price.[Price] WHERE price.[PriceTag] = 'REG') REG
FROM [MenuItems] product 
LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion 
ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price
ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
ORDER BY product.[GroupCode]

Q will be the best person probably for this, hes the SQL buff.

:wink: THINK I HAVE IT :slight_smile:

	product.[GroupCode] AS 'Group',
	product.[Name] AS 'Product',
	portion.[Name] AS 'Portion',
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] is null THEN price.[Price] END) Normal,
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] = 'REG' THEN price.[Price] END) REG
FROM [MenuItems] product 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion 
ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price
ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
GROUP BY product.[GroupCode],product.[Name],portion.[Name]

@QMcKay any thought for improvement?

Nope, because I don’t know what you’re trying to do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe use isnull([field],'replacement') ?

Why are you using MAX()? What is that for? Do you really want that?

Not really, was in the sample on site i read and couldnt find an alternative which didnt break it LOL

Aim is to have price tags listed as columns rather than row per tag

Believe it is to escape the group by…

Need a quick hand… almost there…

This works;

[Price List:3 ,2, 1, 1]
@{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT DISTINCT [GroupCode] FROM [MenuItems] ORDER BY [GroupCode]:F.GroupCode::{0},}
>Product | Portion | Band | Price
	product.[Name] AS 'Product',
	portion.[Name] AS 'Portion',
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] is null THEN price.[Price] END) Normal,
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] = 'REG' THEN price.[Price] END) REG
FROM [MenuItems] product 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion 
ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price
ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
WHERE product.[GroupCode] = 'Draught'
GROUP BY product.[GroupCode],product.[Name],portion.[Name]
ORDER BY product.[GroupCode],product.[Name],portion.[Name]
	:F.Product,F.Portion,F.Normal,F.REG::{0} |{1}| £{2}| £{3}

But would like to ad GroupCode header like @pauln but seems to break…

 [Price List:3 ,2, 1, 1]
@{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT DISTINCT [GroupCode] FROM [MenuItems] ORDER BY [GroupCode]:F.GroupCode::{0},}
>Product | Portion | Band | Price
$1 ========
	product.[Name] AS 'Product',
	portion.[Name] AS 'Portion',
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] is null THEN price.[Price] END) Normal,
	MAX(CASE WHEN price.[PriceTag] = 'REG' THEN price.[Price] END) REG
FROM [MenuItems] product 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion 
ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
INNER JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price
ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
WHERE product.[GroupCode] = '@1'
GROUP BY product.[GroupCode],product.[Name],portion.[Name]
ORDER BY product.[GroupCode],product.[Name],portion.[Name];$1
	:F.Product,F.Portion,F.Normal,F.REG::{0} |{1}| £{2}| £{3}

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Yea might of been wearing balaclava at the time of reviewing your code…

I realized my first example did not support portions and price tags, not to mention it was selecting random prices! I won’t worry too much about the Pivoting of the price bands as have too much other stuff to try and solve, thanks for all your input.

The solution is there :slight_smile: only thing I couldnt work out was dividing groupcodes into sections but is sorted by group/product/portion which is 99% there.
Just need to change headers and add extra lines for your bands.

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