Report Time Filters Completely Messed Up

Is that too close? :yum:

Okay I will create a separate trigger for closing and opening a work period.

I would seperate them via an execute automation command with a background true option so that it waits for end to complete before starting next.


Yes that is too close. You should separate them and give it a delay of like 5 seconds.

So if I clear the whole workperiods table and “clear database transactions” and add some time between the workperiod open/close this should no happen again?

Wait what do you mean here?

Don’t delete the Work Periods in the database. You will mess something up.

EDIT oh your going to clear transactions… well no need to delete work periods then… Simply clearing transactions will do that for you.

Correct! So you think that should get it fixed right?

I have not tested your setup but I would think that yes it will not happen again.