I have a 2-1/4 thermal printer and have worked in receipt templates and have accommodated the items on a more confined space. But the reports do not leave me like you have a printed paper 3 inches. That way there to have a template for only reduce the space between the items, quantities and total money that print on these reports? Since the paper 3 inches is very expensive. I opted to try Smallest Printer 2-1 / 4 size paper. I cut paper for fit in my scanner. The first is a RECEIPT and second is a WORK PERIOD REPORT. See Photo!!!
I am not aware of a way to specify a Template for a Report. It is something I requested in the past.
That said, you can set your Ticket Printer and Report Printer separately in:
Manage > Settings > Terminals
Your Report Printer could be a Windows Printer containing A4 or LTR paper, or whatever.
Then when you design your Report, you can set the page size to fill the width of the page.