Reports Question - Not Show null tables

I dont think there is that many hotel system options out there. Definitely something to keep around.

Hey so now that I solve all my issues I think of another way to easily do this LOL. I could just use sql to put all rows in one cell and add a comma in between them. I think I might do that to fix that extra spacing.


Hey JTR,

I am now trying to figure out why my date tags arent working properly. From QMC examples I am under the impression that I can pass {Start} and {End} tags in the report sql details tags.

Look at our private discussion for cc processing I used start and end in my sql for the reports i built

Okay, do you notice something wrong on mine?

But I’m confused why use a script for sql in a sql report tag. Just use the report tag and put the sql in it.

That report tag let’s you execute the sql right in the tag no need for script.

Yeah I actually seen that. I honestly just did it because it was a little neater. But im going to try putting it all on there with the start and end tags

Okay found it. I am trying to put it in here but not getting a valid return.

I think there is a much simpler method to do what you want. So your wanting to identify users that are attatched to specific voids?

I want to know what admin is approving the void, the void reason, and the user that had that order.

The only other method I could think of is doing a void by adding a -{PRICE} order tag just like we would a discount. But I dont really like that since order states make much more sense.

I honestly got this working perfectly I just cant figure out how these Start and End tags work.

Sorry I havnt followed what your doing… so how are you assigning manager to void… is it an order state?

Yeah let me show you.

Yes I know I just wanted to show alternative simpler methods. One sec ill show you how to use Start and End.

So your start date and end date needs to look like this in the SQL.

AND DATE > ‘{Start}’
AND DATE < ‘{End}’

So When I manually put in the dates myself it works great…


Look above what I said.

Yeah I seen this but im confused though. Are you saying it needs to be that way in sql? or in the report sql tag

Its in the SQL… if you use the SQL Tag or the script doesnt matter… however you used the SQL tag wrong above.

You can call a script without SQL Tag. SQL Tag allows you to insert SQL directly to the tag without having to call a script. Its typically faster that way.

REPORT SQL DETAILS was implemented so we wouldnt have to call scripts and we can basically create our own report tags on the fly.

It would work calling a script of course because it inserts that into the tag. Im just saying you can use it directly without calling a script.

Yeah I would use it but I just tried pasting the sql in there and it didnt work.

Because you wrote it wrong there are mistakes in it.