[RESOLVED] Notepad demo printing issue

What can cause Notepad demo printing to stop working? Physical printing works but notepad printing stopped working.

You have to have something in the Printer Share Name field… even if it is just a . It cannot be blank. Double check this. If that is not what is causing it then it could be your Print Jobs not mapped correctly and you would need to share some screenshots so we can see how you have it setup.

Thanks @kendash , the problem is, there is something in the field, and it was working fine until recently.

As long as i assign a physical printer to the printer profile (e.g the Ticket Printer or Kitchen Printer’s profile), it prints fine. So how can this be a mapping issue?

Share some screenshots of Print Jobs and Printers

My other question will be is this a regular terminal or is it connecting via RDP. I have seen issues with demo printing not working if there are sharing permission problems on a network and with some RDP setups.

Its a regular terminal but connects to the database over the LAN.

It should not make any difference but I have seen an instance where it did and I could not explain why but try setting the share name to Microsoft XPS Document Writer

No Difference in my case.

Hmm odd. As long as you have the action set to use that print job and your executing that action it should print to Notepad. So notepad is blank?

Did you check your log file for any errors? c:\[MyDocuments]\SambaPOS4\log.txt

Blank indeed. However one of my tickets somehow managed to get printed to notepad. But this only happened for one of them. All else blank (Some of these were identical in procedure applied to the one that got printed).

Nothing in Log.

@Jesse I found this work around

Notepad printer tires to locate a window titled as Notepad. If you save something title starts to display file name so it may not find it.

@emre Notepad Window is Untitled , so maybe some other reason for this unexpected behavior. Even after full system restart or shutdown and start, same unexpected behavior persists. Maybe some other ‘unknown’ value got saved/modified in some key ‘global’ variable in the notepad printing process / event handler.Anyways, I’m just talking silly without knowledge of exactly how this works… :slight_smile:

Sorry for reviving this. Hope no one minds.

I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing the same issue. As I have now for the past few days. I did manage to figure something out though and thought I should pass it along.
I found that if Notepad is not minimized you can’t print to it. When you minimize Notepad all works fine.

One question, Is there a possibility of allowing the use of another or any other software other than note pad? Could this be a possible user enhancement option in the future?

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It works just fine not minimized I use it a lot. You can use send to one note printer to open them in one note.

I can’t figure out why mine is acting up. I looked to see if I could get a hint of what the issue might be. Something clearly changed in my system that inhibits the process or part of it that handles the redirect of output.

Don’t know.
