[RESOLVED] Receipt Printing Issue - Random Ticket Printing Before Correct Ticket Prints

@emre i dont know why but all of a sudden when a new ticket is paid and the receipt prints ive got a “stuck” ticket that has always started to print before the current ticket that is paid

As you can see from the images i have ticket ID 22214 always printing first after every ticket is settled and its treated as one document with the correct ticket that has just been settled printing straight after it (the one with the logo header)

I have reset my printer, restarted samba and even cleared all transactions but they had no effect this random ticket keeps printing all the time?

Also the rule debugger doesnt show anything related to 22214 or any indication that a second ticket is being printed

Any ideas why?

(ill upload pic here from my phone in a sec)

It is hard to guess as I’ve never saw something like that before.

Its literally just started doing it as im testing my printing and getting the logo sorted, one minute it wasnt there and then it started and i cant get it to stop.

With clearing database transactions ticket ID 22214 doesnt even exist anymore so dont know how it can still print it

And its also using an old version of the print template that also doesnt exist anymore as the tmeplate now has the logo on, which this old ticket that keeps printing doesnt

has anyone else experienced this? it also doesnt matter which print template i use this random ticket still prints first so i know it isnt a ticket template issue

even restoring an older database that didnt have this issue still prints the random ticket first when it didnt before

Really weird sounds like a spooling error. Did you try uninstalling printer and reinstalling?

Not yet that’s the last thing i think I’ve got to try, I’ll have to try that tonight

or you may need an exorcist :rofl:


Ive now also stopped windows print spooler, deleted anything In the print spook folder and restarted the print spooler and that still didn’t fix it

@emre could there be something stuck somewhere in the database causing it to keep printing?

My last job is to delete and reinstall the printer later

I made some tests but found nothing that could lead to this issue. What it prints when you use XPS printer instead? Does XPS files also contains these random tickets?

Seems to only do it on html and windows printer. What’s strange is that when set to windows printer it still prints the random ticket in html format with the new transaction receipt in windows printer settings based on the template

You can see in the pic below the random receipt in html at the top followed by the windows printer receipt

Can you post the content of SambaSettings.txt ?

<?xml version="1.0"?><SettingsObject xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><mobile_users /><MessagingServerPort>9000</MessagingServerPort><TerminalName>Till 1</TerminalName><ConnectionString>Data Source=localhost\Sambapos; User Id=sa; Password=3798; Database=GB</ConnectionString><StartMessagingClient>false</StartMessagingClient><DefaultHtmlReportHeader>
&lt;style type='text/css'&gt; 
  font-family: 'Consolas', monospace;
  font-size: 11px;

&lt;/style&gt;</DefaultHtmlReportHeader><CurrentLanguage>en</CurrentLanguage><OverrideLanguage>false</OverrideLanguage><OverrideWindowsRegionalSettings>false</OverrideWindowsRegionalSettings><DefaultRecordLimit>100</DefaultRecordLimit><WindowScale>0.67</WindowScale><NavigationScale>1.2</NavigationScale><FooterHeight>70</FooterHeight><UseBoldFonts>false</UseBoldFonts><UseDarkTheme>true</UseDarkTheme><ValidateExitButton>true</ValidateExitButton><AllowMultipleClients>false</AllowMultipleClients><CallerIdDeviceName /><ScaleDeviceName /><AdditionalDevices>[]</AdditionalDevices><AllowCustomNavigation>true</AllowCustomNavigation><AutoMigrate>true</AutoMigrate><TokenLifeTime /><DebugRules>false</DebugRules><EnableJsDebugging>false</EnableJsDebugging><PrintFontFamily>Consolas</PrintFontFamily><ConfigurationUrls> https://gist.github.com/kendash/35688644368ef581dc2d/raw/</ConfigurationUrls><TicketRegionSizePercent>30</TicketRegionSizePercent><CustomSettings /></SettingsObject>

Thank you. I wanted to be ensure Default HTML header set correctly. It appears fine.

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So I deleted printer, reinstalled it and reinstalled drivers and it’s working fine now