[Resolved] Workperiod ID jumped by 1000 (SQL Script Fix)

How in the world did this happen?

In table [Workperiods], the [Id] jumped by 1000

Anyone else have this anomaly?

The only way I can think this could happen is with an scripted statement to set the SEED value for that Identity column …

Wow that is weird I can’t think of any logical reason.

I am going to try to fix this, because I use this WPID as the Z-number for tracking by my Accountant, and if I need to explain this jump, it probably won’t go well.

But first I need to know which tables will be affected by this glitch. So far, the only other table that I can find that contains [WorkPeriodId] is [PeriodicConsumptions].

@emre, any insight to this?

same thing happen when I clone print job and get error UseforPaidTickets. I went to add it manually and ID jump 1000+ too.

Google says that might be a SQL Server bug (or feature).


You can find a lot of similar reported issues.

PS: Sambapos never specifically alters ids.

Thanks for that @emre. Good to hear this was not caused by SambaPOS, or by an upgrade.

Very strange that this “feature” (defect) exists… I run 2014.

In any case, I have developed a script to fix this issue.

But first I need to confirm that the only table linked to [Workperiods].[Id] is:


Do you know of an easy way to check this?

EDIT: I used the Generate Scripts function to create a SQL script for the entire database and all tables and then searched the script for “Work” … it seems [PeriodicConsumptions] is the only table having a link to [Workperiods].[Id], so I am good to go. Applying fix…

:warning: Do not attempt this if you not know what you are doing, and as always, run a DB BACKUP first!!!

Not for the faint of heart …

USE [SambaPOS5]

set identity_insert [WorkPeriods] ON

-- MANUALY set the LAST GOOD Workperiod ID here
declare @WPlastgood int = 94
-- enter the value that the ID has jumped
declare @JumpValue int = 1000

-- everything else can be calculated automatically
declare @WPfirstbad int = @WPlastgood + @JumpValue
declare @WPreseed int = 0

SET @JumpValue = @JumpValue - 1

SELECT @WPreseed=(COUNT([Id])+@WPlastgood-1) FROM [WorkPeriods] WHERE [Id]>@WPlastgood
print @WPreseed

declare @wp table
    [Id] [int] NOT NULL,
    [StartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [EndDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [StartDescription] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [EndDescription] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [Name] [nvarchar](max) NULL

FROM [WorkPeriods]
WHERE [Id] > @WPlastgood

--select * from @wp

INSERT INTO [WorkPeriods]
FROM @wp

DELETE FROM [WorkPeriods] WHERE [Id]>=@WPfirstbad

UPDATE [PeriodicConsumptions] SET [WorkPeriodId]=[WorkPeriodId]-@JumpValue WHERE [WorkPeriodId]>=@WPfirstbad

DBCC CHECKIDENT ([WorkPeriods], RESEED, @WPreseed)

FROM [dbo].[WorkPeriods]

FROM [dbo].[PeriodicConsumptions]

set identity_insert [WorkPeriods] OFF

Ok, this is the 4th time I have seen this happen now… once at one venue and 3 times at my other venue.

I did not notice it happened again until yesterday, and the jump occurred over a month ago… that requires a lot of fixes be made to my system of SQL reports for 30+ days in a row.

So I have now scripted a check for this condition when a Workperiod is started, and notify me if this issue has reared it’s ugly head again, to reduce the amount of work I need to “fix” it.

The script does not fix the problem; it simply checks for the problem:

function readwp() {
  var qry = "";

  // get Aggregate data
  // Min, Max, Count of Workperiod IDs
  qry = "SELECT count([Id]), min([Id]), max([Id]) FROM [WorkPeriods]";
  var wpAgg = sql.Query(qry).First;
  var wpCount = wpAgg[0];
  var wpMin   = wpAgg[1];
  var wpMax   = wpAgg[2];
  var wpCheck = wpMax - wpMin + 1;

  // at this point we can already tell if something is wrong
  // so we could stop here and return a warning
  // but I want more detail, so we won't bail yet
  var wpConcurrent = (wpCount==wpCheck ? true : false);

  // read all Workperiod IDs, in order, into array
  qry = "SELECT [Id] FROM [WorkPeriods] ORDER BY [Id]";
  var r = sql.Query(qry).Delimit(',').All;
  var rCount = r.Length;
  // initialize vars
  var s="";
  var w=wpMin;
  var wpOK;
  var wpLastGood=0;
  var wpFirstBad=0;
  var wpDiff=0;
  // loop though Workperiod IDs,
  // starting at the Min and compare
  for (var i=0; i<rCount; i++) {
    // check if the WP record ID matches 
    wpOK = (r[i]==w ? true : false);
    if (!wpOK) {
      wpLastGood = w-1;
      wpFirstBad = r[i];
      wpDiff = wpFirstBad - wpLastGood;
    // build info string
    s += "rec:"+r[i] + " Comp:" + w + " OK:" + wpOK + " LG:" + wpLastGood + " FB:" + wpFirstBad + " DIFF:" + wpDiff + "\r\n";
    // break out of the loop
    // as soon as we find the first BAD ID
    if (!wpOK) {
  // return a warning that something is wrong
  if (!wpOK) {
   return "Workperiods are NOT concurrent!" + "\r\n" + "rec:"+r[i] + " Comp:" + w + " OK:" + wpOK + " LG:" + wpLastGood + " FB:" + wpFirstBad + " DIFF:" + wpDiff + "\r\n";
  //return s;
  //return "Min:"+wpMin+"\r\nMax:"+wpMax+"\r\nCount:"+wpCount+"\r\nCheck:"+wpCheck+"\r\nLen:"+rCount+"\r\nConcurrent:"+wpConcurrent;
  // return an OK if all is well
  return "Workperiods are concurrent.";