A lot of the clients that I deal with love the dual screen machines that I sell to the consumer. They normally use the second screen for adverts made up of jpegs or even video files or just still shots. Some like slideshows and others like what is possible with samba which is having the price shown for the customer(I have seen a tutorial of this and works great!).
It is easy to show just a still image(whether the name of business or just advert) on second screen(Possible through desktop wallpaper properties)
However some customers want slideshow images and or videos. I found a very useful open source software(kirsten slideshow) which easily allows slideshows to be viewed on either screen and also is able to post video slide shows too. However I have to run this program separately for it to function.
Somewhere in the forum i saw a software integrated into sambapos which allows samba to function like a hospitality software. So I just wanted to know whether it’s possible to integrate this open source software into sambapos which can be run directly within it?