Samba not allowing sometimes to close period

Dear @Emre, I am facing this problem…TODAY (after having installed last version) I am doing some tests and for some reason SAMBA does not allow me to close work period, I I settle two or three tickest and if I log off an re log on I suddendly can close the work peridod…

I am working with the two new rules:

could these have something to do with it?

I succeded in creating an entity (everytime a work period starts) that stores

  1. initial cash entered into cash register
    and when you close wyour work perido
  2. final cash in cash register
  3. Credit card coupons amount

with these data I intend to do some sort of report to follow cash register behaviour… (remember cash register person is not able to see reports, so the amount he enters can be contrasted to sales).



Something I noticed a long time ago, and I believe this is by design… you must allow at least 1 minute to pass after Starting a WorkPeriod before you can End the WorkPeriod.

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I did not know that… I never tried to like today to open and close a work period… jajajaja, and thinking a little you may be right, becuase of the time stamps…

