SambaIN not starting

Hello, I have this error, when I try to start SambaIN:
Does someone know what it is?

Looks like it cant talk to message server. Is message serve running on port 9000+ and is firewall configured to allow it?

Also are you on latest version of samba in and sambapos?

I had already restarted the computer. Firewall was off. Everything latest version.
I uninstalled SambaIn and reinstalled it again.

It started finally after trying 5 times to start it… Strange.

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Could it be that it is an issue with my IP being blacklisted by some remote server SambaPOS or Gloriafood? I have from the same IP 3 different SambaIN installations (3 different pc, 3 different licenses). It is strange since I had in may a location with 4 different servers and there were no problems…

Typically its because it cant communicate to message server.