Hi Guys,
I am a huge fan of SambaPOS and absolutely support the project. I was very excited to get SambaPOS v4 as a test however i am noticing that when I got into the POS mode, it asks for a customer, it is no longer like SambaPOS 2/3 where it presents a table layout.
My user is primarily restaurant setting, so I am curious as to if there is a way to change this? The customer option is more aimed at retail and not so much at food service like previous versions of SambaPOS.
Thank you
P.S. New layout and theme looks awesome.
Hello, it seems to be like V3.
Manage -> Settings -> Departments -> Ticket Creation Method and select “Select Entity”
And be sure that table entity are mapped in entity screen settings
Then log out to apply these settings.
Hi thank you for the kind help.
I made sure to set creation method to Select Entity and then I also went to the entities screen and mapped the table entity. Restarted SambaPOS, same thing, it still prompts me to look up a customer when I goto the “POS” screen.
Fixed it. Had to setup entities, configure them and assign them a user. That was the issue.
Hi can you tell me how to set the tabls up please as i cant seem to get it to work
Hi @alexm662,
Have you added an ENTITY SCREEN in ENTITIES? You will need one and also link the background image for your restaurant layout. Then just right click on the layout and click on DESIGN MODE.
Hope that helps.
I need if possible a full step by step guide to creating entities and everything to set up tables