SambaPOS 5.2.16 Release

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:warning: Don’t forget to create a backup before installing new releases. You’ll need a working backup if you need to rollback to previous version.

What’s new in 5.2.16

  • Clone menu problem solved
  • Group Selector for adjust order prices added
  • Recipe’s portion id converted to a navigation property
  • Editing functions added some management grids
  • getPrintingContent function added to browser automation.
  • Automation button validation optimization added
  • Auto Refresh delay for custom entity screens added
  • Disabling news tab function added
  • About page added
  • Disable about page for non admins
  • Fixes custom report parameter grouping issue when expressions used to calculate fields.
  • 64Bit MessageServer and 64Bit Service Install Tool added to package

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Yay I don’t have to reinstall message server on update now :wink:


I dont understand ? Is there a problem on this version?

No it’s great I was saying that now since it includes 64 bit message server It won’t break my printing on update anymore. Previously it overwrote my 64bit one you provided me and I had to reinstall the 64-bit version.

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I would love to revisit the Gloria integration sometime to finish our promotions building issues. I know your busy so Im not in a hurry.

OK please write again for remembering the issues.

I will make a new topic later today with a detailed list.

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Look at the Delivery section does not work well

There is no delivery section. Did you build one? Please explain what you mean.

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i build one thank you very much

If you built one why post of the update release topic saying delivery doesnt work well?
Its not a default option.
If your having issues start a question topic sharing your issue and people will try and offer feedback.



I am on version 5.2.16 and when i added additional field “card no” to the Customer Entity and it didn’t show on “Customer Search” entity screen. I’ve right clicked on the entity screen and selected design mode and added the new field on the screen. When I re-entered the screen none of the customer fields are available when I add or edit a customer.


Am I doing something wrong?

Your layout file is messed up. Go to Documents\SambaPOS5\Layout folder and delete the EntitySearch_Customer Search file then restart SambaPOS.

Thanks… the customer fields are back

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Is there a way to have a random number generated in a custom field when creating a new entity?

Not when creating one unless you use the API a and script.

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If you created via [?Prompt] automation you could be not on entity screen.